
Burmese anti-government militants and government forces in eastern Myanmar border town of Miao W end conflict

  8, Burmese anti-government militants and government forces in eastern Myanmar border town of Miao W end conflict, a stray bullet also bring disaster to neighboring Thailand. It is reported that the conflict has killed people were injured, hundreds of people fled to neighboring countries through the Mekong River border with Thailand Iraqi asylum.

According to Agence France-Presse reported, local 8, heavy weapons fire militants attacked the border town of Myanmar Karen Miao W end, resulting in 2 injuries. Another source said, Myanmar anti-government militants have occupied the police station and the end of seedlings tile post office, and fight with the military government.

An unnamed official told AFP the Thai border, a rocket-propelled grenade also hit Thailand's Mae Sot in northwestern counties, resulting in a three men and two women, a total of 5 people injured. Television footage showed the incident occurred, in the Mekong River border bridge in Iraq, because of stray bullets Thai soldiers across the border and alert, have, after hiding in bunkers. The official also said that "Although the fire has temporarily subsided, but the seedlings tile around the end of terrorism has not stopped military operations."

Thailand and the United States claims the county Chief Executive gram of Nicolas. Special Door Sack said that Thailand has closed border checkpoints with Thailand and the expulsion of the Mekong River in Iraq some uprooted. The inspection of Myanmar across the river stood a few months ago already closed, but still a lot of illegal immigrants across the border to flee to Thailand.

Myanmar anti-government armed groups have carried out a previous election for the armed demonstrations in Myanmar. Myanmar, a dissident news Web site, "the Democratic Voice of Burma," also reported that ethnic unrest in Myanmar there are six areas that should the armed groups, armed attacks by the government will help each other to take the words back. According to the Associated Press reported recently, minority areas related organizations also warned that if the military continues to deprive them of their rights, "Myanmar will be civil war again."

Since independence in 1948, Myanmar has caused civil war in many parts of the country have been hit hard. Observers said that in the 7 to 20 years of Burma's first election, the official abolition of Burmese ethnic minority areas in the vote. This raises concerns about the security situation in the region.

time to cancel the current state of national emergency can not be determined

 November 11, Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf in Islamabad at a news conference that the time to cancel the current state of national emergency can not be determined. Xinhua / AFP

Musharraf, the Pakistani people are concerned about the situation in Pakistan presidential election

Pakistani President, Pervez Musharraf, 13, Army Chief of Staff, said U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice that he turned down the request to cancel the state of emergency because of the state of emergency to help combat terrorism, to ensure uninterrupted parliamentary elections.

Musharraf accepted the day of the presidential palace in the United States, "New York Times" interview, said: "I do not agree with her (Rice's) point of view. A state of emergency is to ensure that elections are not disturbed." When asked when to cancel a state of emergency, Musharraf said: "I do not know ... ... we have to observe the social environment." He said that terrorism threatened Pakistan.

Musharraf also severely criticized the People's Party leader and former Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto, that she was too fond of confrontation, with her too difficult. He said: "She returned to Pakistan, should take conciliatory gestures, but after arriving in Pakistan to take immediate and confrontational attitude ... ... This will have negative consequences."

Musharraf said Bhutto was under house arrest in Lahore, because she claimed that the Chief Minister of Punjab province, Rashid 乔杜里佩尔韦 Ziyi premeditated to hurt her. Musharraf said Bhutto from Lahore to Islamabad planned to organize "march" approach "ridiculous."

As Benazir Bhutto called for his resignation, Musharraf said she was "no right to" make such a request.

Musharraf also questioned the support for Benazir Bhutto, "Let's start the elections and see if she can not win." Benazir Bhutto had declared that she would get a landslide victory in parliamentary elections.

Musharraf also hopes to provide more assistance to the United States, "10 days ago, we have the 20 'Cobra' helicopters, only one can use ... ... we need more help." (Xinhua News Agency)

Jewish IDF force ship ship port of Ashdod in conflict

Tags: Jewish IDF force ship ship port of Ashdod in conflict (View sub-ID: 1536303)
China Daily News September 28 comprehensive foreign media reports, the morning of September 28 local time, the IDF announced that attempts to intercept a blockade to the Gaza Strip's Jewish community boats. Since an early age to develop a sensitivity to the money, the Jews in the world's financial industry has excellent extraordinary performance. The ship has been forced to turn to proceed to the Israeli port of Ashdod. Beside him there was a Jewish gentleman dressed, and stood there smoking a cigar. The two sides did not block the process of conflict. Jewish rich man told them to cherish and to properly manage their wealth, until a year later to see how they handle money.
. Road finance its own rich man one day, a Jewish property entrusted to his custody and use of the three servants.

the British "Telegraph" reported that

  According to the British "Telegraph" reported that Putin's September 6 in the Black Sea with a gang of foreign scholars and journalists "informal chat" hinted that he may participate in the 2012 presidential election, President Dmitry Medvedev competition with the current post of president Putin even get compare with former U.S. President Theodore Roosevelt. In fact, after the August 31, the Russian "Kommersant", contained an article saying that Putin "prophecy master," Paul octopus very interested in prediction accuracy if the octopus, Putin to buy it, to avoid being ate. People who want to eat octopus losers of the election of course.

If President Putin adjourned to dream, then who is his "spoilers" mean?

No. People: Dmitry Medvedev. Limited by the Constitution in 2008 to find his successor Vladimir Putin Dmitry Medvedev as president, "substitute" under Putin's huge popularity, Medvedev, Putin's vote than the current rate is still high in the record, was elected president. It is widely believed, relegated to the position of Prime Minister Vladimir Putin remains the real power in this country people. During this period, Russia's amended constitution, beginning from the next presidential term from four years to extend for six years. However, the Kremlin through the years of life, May's highest authority might gradually have tasted the sweetness of the heart may also initiation Lian Zhan. As Putin said, and between May's would be a fair competition. In order to achieve "fair", Mei's competition must demonstrate a strong state, limited in the policy on the contribution can Dide Guo Mei Putin's enormous popularity, as well as by Moscow Mayor Yuri Luzhkov down the enemies are Mei's burst ambition to think about before. Sike with Putin, might as well step back and his assistant, Vladimir Putin, the Prime Minister might change Dangdang 2012, is also a good deal.

No. People: Matviyenko, St. Petersburg mayor. Matviyenko momentum as the 90s last century, Moscow Mayor Yuri Luzhkov, St. Petersburg governance achieved striking success. Back in 2008, Putin had to identify her as his successor, we can see her strength is not weak. After several years of efforts, the construction of St. Petersburg the next level. And she does not like Luzhkov, when Luzhkov Daxing real estate in Moscow, the corruption appears to have intensified rather Matviyenko is rarely heard in St. Petersburg on corruption charges. The woman governor there, "Russia's Merkel," said. If the "United Russia" decided to let it go into action, voters once said: look back rather than allowing Putin to eat better to let the couple go for it, this was Putin's eyes on female governor, it is possible that the core of Putin out of power circle of people.

No. People: Gennady Zyuganov, the Russian Federation, Chairman of GCD. Growing up in Khrushchev - Leonid Brezhnev period, witnessed the rise and fall of the Soviet Union and the Soviet Communist Party until the collapse. In the Soviet Union, after the dissolution of the Soviet Communist Party, Gennady Zyuganov became the main leaders of the Russian Federation GCD. Zyuganov against the presidential system, and even advocated the abolition of the presidential system. When someone asked him if he wanted to be a presidential candidate when he humorously said, waiting for very long when the president's team, but he does not like queuing. However, the recent reform efforts to increase the Russian Communist Party, only use a large number of young people, for the first time in command at the local youth leader election, inspiring. But still not enough to counterbalance the strength of "United Russia" and the Alliance Party.

No. People: Mikhail Kasyanov or Boris Nemtsov. Kasyanov, leader of the people's Alliance for Democracy movement, who served as prime minister in the hands of Putin, and Boris Nemtsov, leader of the Union of Right Forces, served in the Yeltsin era have the First Deputy Prime Minister. Both participated in the 2008 presidential election.

According to Bloomberg news agency reported on September 16, before the two meet, negotiate formed in 2012 when the election does not include left-wing "anti-Putin coalition" will focus on a unified put up a candidate against Putin. Kasyanov believes that more and more arbitrary ZF and the high prices, as well as to cope with forest fires ZF's poor performance and a variety of social issues, so that people look forward to new faces leadership and change.

As leaders of two political parties are important influential political figures, who if the joint success of President Vladimir Putin will become the biggest obstacle on the road, known as the leader of the Liberal Democratic Party politics geek Cliffs at Reno convergence may also led his troops over the base.

Fifth person: Mikhail Khodorkovsky, Russia's former richest man, oil tycoon. U.S. "Foreign Policy" August 10, a ranking of influence, said that although the oil tycoon Vladimir Putin has already been put behind bars, but this once Russia's richest man is likely to be adjourned to President Putin, who dreams of interference. Report further stated: "Mikhail Khodorkovsky, Russia's most important political opposition, Prime Minister Vladimir Putin is the most durable and sharp domestic critics. Khodorkovsky was jailed in 2003 for tax evasion, although supporters of the view that Mr Khodorkovsky was arrested because the real threat to the status of the then President Vladimir Putin. Since being jailed, he has not stopped attacks on the Russian leadership, and the right to meet reporters. Khodorkovsky did not believe the current President Dmitry Medvedev's business reform efforts, saying the national justice system if not thoroughly changed, the Russian Revolution to the outbreak of the bloody bottom. Khodorkovsky's sentence to the end of October 2011, when the presidential election still five months away from Russia, but he now faces new charges

2-day APEC (APEC) Ministerial Meeting on the 11th port city of Yokohama in Japan

  Xinhua News Agency, 2-day APEC (APEC) Ministerial Meeting on the 11th port city of Yokohama in Japan closing, a statement issued at the meeting said they would continue to promote the integration of the Asia Pacific region to jointly implement a new strategy of economic growth, oppose trade protectionism.

The draft statement said: "The global economy is gradually recovering, the future or will face more pressure from trade protectionism. "It also means" to curb the wave of protectionism, the Member States will reach an agreement before the end of 2013 commitment not to take the new export restrictions and other protectionist measures. "In addition, the joint statement also included the following: In order to further promote intra-regional trade, through the universal master freight movements can be instantaneous measures such as IC tags in 2015 freight costs and time reduced by 10%; In addition, the Member States will also LED and other environmental related products for the development and popularization of common energy efficiency standards.

Officials and representatives of the participants also discussed the new economic growth in Asia-Pacific strategy. The statement said that the current Asia-Pacific region is leading the global economic recovery, but in order to respond to changing regional and global economic environment, APEC members should consider the quality of economic growth, efforts to achieve balanced, inclusive, sustainable, innovative and safe growth. The new strategy of economic growth will be submitted to 13 and 14 at the APEC informal leadership meeting.

Entry may allow Netanyahu

  Entry may allow Netanyahu to persuade him to a new coalition government to freeze settlement construction in the Clinton and visiting Israeli leaders have ended a marathon round of talks in New York with a powerful "unshakable commitment to Israel's security and the Declaration of the peace in the region. "

The two sides "agreed to continue the Prime Minister and the Secretary of the direct negotiations, to the importance of achieving our goal," to solve the problem at no direct reference to the joint statement said.

Clinton repeated - have attacked the problem in resolving the deadlock on - the peace talks may not yet have a "secure and recognized borders and to reflect subsequent developments, and to meet Israel's security requirements." Living next to Israel, an independent Palestine

Joint statement said: "These requirements will be fully taken into account any future peace agreement."

It added that any future Palestinian state should be based on the 1967 borders with Israel could keep some territory in exchange for other Israeli occupied West Bank Palestinians the prospect of extending the territory, "the agreed exchange."

Israeli officials said Netanyahu faced by the Union in solving problems within their own tough political sell on the new United States to promote broad understanding of Clinton's security needs of Israel in any final peace agreement.

Netanyahu, "the possibility of reaching a peace agreement will significantly improve the security of a comprehensive understanding between Israel and the United States," said before the start of Thursday's talks.

Israel wants a future Palestinian state, as well as financial help pay for security arrangements necessary to achieve peace deal if the eastern boundary of the long-term military presence in the Jordan Valley.

U.S. officials said, Clinton and Netanyahu, including one to one meeting and a more extensive discussion, including the Middle East peace envoy George Mitchell and the National Security Council Middle East expert Dan Piluo New York, other U.S. officials met for a period of seven hours.

A way forward

Obama talks Thursday marked the latest attempt to restart the management of September 2 in Washington, but was three weeks after the Palestinians hangs Netanyahu refused to extend the building 10 months of direct limits freeze the peace talks in the West Bank settlements.

Settlements deadlock seemed to deepen this week when Israel announced its intention to continue a new housing project, some 43 years ago, it annexed the West Bank, Jerusalem, Netanyahu stressed that the Palestinians worry about whether the government will push forward the peace process, settlements impact.

Clinton, on Wednesday said that Israel decided to tackle building is just the opposite, that she continues to believe that Benjamin Netanyahu and Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas is serious about talks.

"The Prime Minister and President Abbas are very committed to the two solutions. We must find a way forward, "she said before meeting with Netanyahu.

U.S. State Department spokesman Philip. Crowley said that

Global Network reporter Liang Xu reported Nov. 8, the U.S. State Department spokesman Philip. Crowley said that every effort should punish Russia attacked Russia's "Kommersant" reporter Oleg. Casin the perpetrators.

Crowley said that "free and independent media is an essential condition for the existence of democracy", while Russia only in 2009, there were eight attacks on journalists, including "A lot of people made remarks critical of the Government." He called the Russian government "as the only exception, the (Russian) government can not leave alone, and bring to justice the perpetrators should be found."

The evening of November 6, Russia's "Kommersant" reporter Oleg. Cassin by two strangers in their own vicinity beaten with iron bars for a long time was seriously injured and is now in a coma. Police said he may be attacked Cassin articles published relations. To this end, Russian President Dmitry Medvedev has said that all involved will be brought to justice, he also ordered the Russian Prosecutor General and Interior Minister personally supervising the case.

Journalists were killed Cassin case caused great repercussions in the Russian society, 6 day a lot of reporters gathered in front of the building in Moscow within the Council asked the Administration to find out the truth and punish offenders. President of the Russian press has also signed a letter that "the government should be the safety of workers in the domestic media is directly responsible."

French President Nicolas Sarkozy has approved the plane for his plan to replace the Deluxe

  Global China Daily online news: According to the British "Times" reported on April 21, French President Nicolas Sarkozy has approved the plane for his plan to replace the Deluxe, the new plane selected for the Airbus model A330-200, it will next year to replace the current presidential plane Airbus A319 type. It is reported that the "update" the full cost of program will be up to 157 million pounds (about 1.56 billion yuan).

When Nicolas Sarkozy to participate in major international summit, the leaders of the luxury plane so that he always dwarfed the Airbus A319. Even the Spanish Prime Minister and German Chancellor are taking larger, more spacious aircraft, not to mention Obama's "Air Force One" was.

Although not with the "Air Force One" Boeing 747-200 with a par, but the Airbus A330-200 at least the leaders of other European countries than in the plane 10 meters long, 2 meters high, it will give Mr Sarkozy a "flying wings, together with his soaring ambition. " More importantly, the new plane will be more luxury equipment, so with that said Obama "lacks experience", Spanish Prime Minister Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero "not smart", German Chancellor Angela Merkel "no vision" of man-phase match.

It is understood that Mr Sarkozy that he and Secretary of the new plane will be equipped with a special bedroom and studio, also has a meeting can accommodate 12 people while the conference room and a "deal with emergencies," health care positions. It can carry about 60 passengers, and Sarkozy in particular to create a spacious private bathroom. Some media said that the bathroom is designed for both he and Bruni prepared for bathing, but this claim has been Sarkozy's aides denied.

In addition, the new plane will also install the encrypted communication system that allows the president to stay in contact with the consultant. In contrast, the current plane are not even meeting rooms, only two meetings with the round table, and poor communication network.

Because France is now subject to severe financial crisis, Sarkozy plans to replace the natural plane has faced criticism. It was said that the president's ego has far exceeded the limits of the budget can tolerate.

In this regard, Sarkozy's aides argue that in terms of luxury plane for the president is an indispensable tool. Last year, Nicolas Sarkozy, flying a total of 324,595 kilometers, equivalent to the total distance of 8 laps around the world.

In addition, the French presidential spokesman said that the current needs of the middle plane refueling, and President Sarkozy thought that was a waste of time. Prior to a visit on the way, Nicolas Sarkozy, take the Airbus A319 aircraft had to refuel the middle of the Siberian land, but journalists are taking the A340 aircraft can fly to the destination, allowing him to prepare a sense of embarrassment. (Global Online: Wang Jing)

G20 summit opens today on the exchange rate differences between countries in the great

G20 summit opens today on the exchange rate differences between countries in the great

2010-11-11 06:00:56 Source: Beijing News
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[Abstract] criticized the Brazilian President Lula said the dollar is the root of all problems, and he went to Seoul to participate in the summit of the Group of Twenty prior to the success of the "combat readiness." "ROK-US Alliance Friendship Association, who have U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and other gifts of Korean names into Chinese were Hanxi Shu, Luo pears show.
10, at the G20 summit venue security tasks before the implementation of security personnel. G20 Summit 11, the fifth summit will be held here.

11 to 12, the world's most important countries on behalf of the Group of Twenty (G20) leaders will gather in Seoul, Korea, held its fifth summit. The summit hopes to imbalances in the global economic recovery to reach a consensus. However, prior to the opening of the summit, countries in the exchange rate differences remain on key issues such as huge.
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Currency rise to a "civil war"

G20 world's major developed and emerging economies, its GDP accounted for 90% of the world's total trade accounted for 80%. The twenty countries also become the world's major force in response to the financial crisis. But this year, bringing the exchange rate of trade disputes also sparked heated debate within the G20: First United States has repeatedly put pressure on RMB appreciation, China triggered violent reaction. Then suddenly the United States announced the long-term treasury bonds to buy 600 billion U.S. dollars, the depreciation of the U.S. printing money even invite widespread criticism of the move, it also raised concerns about the global currency war.

The summit, the exchange rate problem as the parties argue the focus. The summit will be published in order to discuss the "Seoul Declaration", 9, 10 days, G20 delegates on some key issues in a fierce debate, including the exchange rate, economic imbalance and the Federal Reserve's quantitative easing measures, but the meeting and failed to reach a substantive consensus. "So intense discussion, the meeting room became very hot, oxygen, we have left the door open." Summit in Seoul, said spokesman Jin Yunqing 10.

Consultation as the quarrel

It is reported that 9 of the meeting lasted 14 hours, 40 to 50 delegates squeezed into a small conference room. As the discussion heats up over time, there have been representatives raise his voice, especially when it comes to global economic growth, a balanced program, the debate also is heating up.

10-day meeting, the parties, although the financial regulatory reform, global financial security network, development issues, international financial institutions, reform of the basic agreement, but in the exchange rate is still deeply divided on such issues.

Jinyun Qing, said at the conference presentation of the key provisions of the joint statement, the delegates left many gaps, which means that they have not agreed. If necessary, after the opening 11 at the summit talks will continue, "each country stick to their original position."

Yi of trouble discount

Representatives on issues of economic imbalance in a number of specific potential targets, and for avoiding discussion of competitive currency devaluations. It was suggested that a consensus in difficult circumstances, G20 summit can be made to the International Monetary Fund issued guidance policy, the major economies reduce trade imbalances.

After two years of financial crisis, leaders of the Group of 20 hoped that the summit will open a new round of growth in post-crisis era of global cooperation. However, due to uneven global economic recovery, the pace of national economic policies are inconsistent, the G-20 cooperation to withstand the financial crisis of the "friendship of trouble," greatly reduced, there are critics and even so the role of the Group of 20 to question. (Hsieh)

■ Response

Ban Ki-moon: This is the time to unite

Van Rompuy urged to avoid the outbreak of a "currency war"

Permanent President of the Council of Europe, said Herman Van Rompuy 9 countries during the summit in Seoul, only concerned with their short-term interest would be conducive to the challenge, should avoid protectionist measures to prevent the outbreak of "exchange rate war."

Although differences still exist, but it will be before the members of the Group of Twenty in strengthening financial supervision, promoting the reform of the International Monetary Fund and other aspects of basic agreement, a positive outcome for the summit to bring hope.

UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon urged the Group of Twenty 10 member countries in the global economy "critical moment" and strengthen cooperation.

"I (countries) differences of opinion on many issues concerned," Ban said at a news conference, "It is time to unite." (Xinhua News Agency Zhuangao)

■ stand

United States "excessive printing money" drawing outrage

German Chancellor accused the U.S. of "short-sighted", the President of Brazil said it had to do "battle ready"

Away from the summit opened a week ago, the Fed plans to buy 600 billion U.S. dollars debt led to the introduction of the parties to criticism. Brazilian President Lula said that before traveling to Seoul, has to do "battle ready."

Economists believe the Fed move will mean printing money by printing U.S. dollars, the dollar continued to depreciate in order to stimulate exports in the short term, its negative impact around the world can not be ignored. German Chancellor Angela Merkel told the media that U.S. policy is to "rely on the exchange rate artificially low to boost exports," and this policy is "short-sighted and will ultimately harm the interests of all."

Brazilian President Lula is criticism that the dollar is the root of all problems, and he went to Seoul to participate in the summit of the Group of Twenty before the success of the "combat readiness."

Euro Group Chairman Juncker also criticized the Fed's policy is not wise, there is suspicion of self-interest. Russian officials said that the Fed's actions could lead to the formation of a new financial bubble, and make the exchange rate imbalance, the Group of Twenty need to stop those who "have the ability to affect the world financial system and the economy of individual countries," the unilateral action.

"The victims of such measures is not the United States, but the emerging economies." Vice Finance Minister Dmitry Pankin Russian said.

For all the resentment, G20 eve of the opening, President Obama G20 leaders in a note to a letter to the Federal Reserve defense. He pointed out that a strong economic recovery, employment, raise incomes and consumption, will be the most important U.S. contribution to global recovery, "the strong dollar is ultimately dependent on the U.S. economy." (Hsieh)

■ Highlights

Han gifts were for Obama, "Wu Han Ma"

In the G20 summit, Obama will get a special gift: a Korean name --- Wu Han horse.

10, South Korean media reported on Obama's visit, specially for the Korea-US Alliance Friendship Society played a Korean name, and plans to name and brand presented to Obama.

Association Xuzhen Xie said that after careful consideration, as Barack Obama played a Korean name "Wu Han horse." Xuzhen Xie said, Obama's first letter "O", pronunciation and Korean in the "Wu" is similar to the first letter of Hussein is the "H", just, and South Korea's "Korean" sounds similar to Obama The third syllable is the "ma", pronounced exactly with the "horse" the same. For the "Wu Han horse" meaning Xuzhen Xie said: "We hope that Wu Han Ma G20 summit in Seoul, led the way, make persistent efforts to promote global economic development."

ROK-US Alliance Friendship Association, who have U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and other gifts of Korean names into Chinese were Hanxi Shu, Luo pears show. (Cases combined) Source: Beijing News
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Kathmandu's Thamel district, has been the country's most bustling tourist center

  International Online Zhuangao: The BBC reported on July 4, Kathmandu's Thamel district, has been the country's most bustling tourist center. But Nepal's police have said that because of local drug dealers and criminals rampant, leading to frequent incidents of violence there, there have been changes from the tourist center of illegal arms trading center.

Thamel area has cheap restaurants, backpacker hostels and shops, has been Nepal's tourist center. Most visitors take a bullock cart or a raft to leave Nepal before, like to spend a day or two in there. But in recent years, those who sell banana pancakes and vegetarian food in small restaurants, and now have been replaced strip bar or dance clubs, many employees are young girls who were sold mostly from the countryside to Kathmandu.

Senior Superintendent of Police Ram Shiha Demirel said: "We in the Seoul area so beautiful that more and more crime. The firearms used by criminal gangs are mostly smuggled through the border in India, especially Uttar Pradesh and Bihar. Flooding in these areas are known to firearms, criminals can easily the border of Nepal and India. In addition, the border into Nepal from other countries more and more small arms. "

A local resident said, Thamel, Kathmandu district is becoming the red-light district and drink with the same area where the infamous. Very dangerous when women took to the streets, he was worried that the increasing violence could scare away foreign tourists. In this regard, the police increased patrols and strengthened local intelligence gathering. (Willow) (This article Source: International Online)

Japan's Kyodo News Web site reported that

Core Tip: According to Japan's Kyodo News Web site reported that the Japanese city of Hiroshima Prefecture and Hiroshima, 27, announced that it has sent a letter to U.S. President Barack Obama, inviting them to participate in this year in November, held in Hiroshima, "the Nobel Peace Prize World Summit" . Summit scheduled for Nov. 12 opening, duration 3 days, the previous winners will be "world without nuclear weapons" in the title discussion.
BEIJING, Sept. 27, according to Kyodo news agency Xinhua website reported that the Japanese city of Hiroshima Prefecture and Hiroshima 27, announced that it has sent a letter to U.S. President Barack Obama, inviting them to participate in this year in November, held in Hiroshima, "the Nobel Peace World Summit Award winner. "

Invitation from the Hiroshima Prefecture and Hiroshima Tom Kawasaki Hidehiko Mayor Akiba and other joint signature, the letter said "Since last April speech Obama delivered in Prague since the conditions for abolition of nuclear weapons is getting more mature," I hope Obama can "From Hiroshima sent a message to the world that a new commitment to nuclear waste." 24, the date of the invitation has been sent to the U.S. Embassy.

Summit scheduled for Nov. 12 opening, duration 3 days, the previous winners will be "world without nuclear weapons" in the title discussion.

This section: Current Affairs Author: Unknown

the Group of Twenty (G20) leaders of other member states

  Abstract: The EU leaders will tell a summit next month, the Group of Twenty (G20) leaders of other member states to comply with the agreements reached at the G20 finance ministers resist the competitive currency devaluation. But they can not accept the United States current account balance target set of proposals.

Compass News Online October 30 - EU leaders will tell a summit next month, the Group of Twenty (G20) leaders of other member states to comply with the agreements reached at the G20 finance ministers resist the competitive currency devaluation. But they can not accept the United States current account balance target set of proposals.

G20 summit will be held November 11-12 in Seoul, Korea, at which world leaders will seek to re-balance the way to global economic growth.

EU President Rompuy (Herman Van Rompuy) at a press conference that "the global economic recovery is still at risk, and global economic imbalances and exchange rates will also be at risk."

Van Rompuy said, "These issues affect the EU's economic growth and employment prospects. "

European Union leaders summit in Seoul in a written conclusion, wrote, "the EU stressed the need to avoid all forms of protectionism, and the need to avoid taking short-term competitive advantage to the exchange rate action."

And European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso Rompuy (Jose Manuel Durao Barroso), said in a joint letter, "If the current account target set of issues was raised again, we should stress the benefits of our own system."

Van Rompuy and Barroso will represent the 27 EU member states attended the summit in Seoul. According to the first edition of the joint letter, they will be at the meeting called for the exchange rate and capital inflows to repair action to curb the growing global imbalances.

According to the European Central Bank President Jean-Claude Trichet (Jean-Claude Trichet) of the proposed joint letter made some adjustments, including exchange rate policy is expected to make the EU more explicit wording.

The final version of the joint letter said, "we can not ignore the recent exchange rate, and should vigorously promote a strong and stable international financial system meets the national interests. "

Joint letter said, "G20 should be reiterated that reflect economic fundamentals in relation to the market-oriented exchange rate system, commitment to development and to avoid competitive devaluations."

South Korean military said an unmanned spy plane

  According to South Korean military said an unmanned spy plane, South Korea on Jan. 31 in South Korea near the Korean border crash, but fortunately no casualties.

Border spy plane crashed in South Korea

According to U.S. media reports, South Korean Joint Chiefs of Staff, an official in Seoul said the plane, spy plane on Jan. 31 shortly after take-off area in Pocheon crashed near a factory, located at separate South Korea, North Korea's demilitarized zone south of the about 25 km. Some of the factory windows broken by the crash, no casualties.

It is unclear spy plane crashed aircraft models, but local media reports, it may be South Korea's own R & D RQ-101 spy plane, about 4.8 meters long and weighs 250 kg. Current spy plane crash is still under investigation.

Korean Central News Agency reported on January 30, South Korea and the United States aircraft in January to the DPRK's aerial surveillance activities 160 times, compared with December 2007 increased 110 times.

Korean Central News Agency quoted a military source as saying, in January, the U.S. aircraft reconnaissance activities on the Korean air 90 times, South Korean aircraft, aerial reconnaissance activities against North Korea 70 times. Which the United States "U-2" high-altitude strategic reconnaissance plane of the aerial surveillance activities, 20 times, the United States "RC-12" tactical reconnaissance and surveillance of other models are often carried out aerial surveillance of North Korean activities.

KCNA quoted the military end of each month are the words of sources, reports on the U.S. and South Korea on North Korea's aerial surveillance aircraft, activities, and that the aerial surveillance activities will be intensified on the Korean Peninsula situation.

On the same day U.S. officials DPRK nuclear

The date of the accident, the U.S. State Department chief of South Korea Sung Kim arrived in Pyongyang with North Korean officials on North Korea's nuclear program declaration issues.

Kim Sung-line from Beijing take the afternoon flight that arrived in North Korea in Pyongyang. This is the United States since early December the delegation of six-party talks, Assistant Secretary of State Hill's visit to the DPRK since the U.S. State Department officials, the first visit. Sung Kim told reporters at the airport, he was the behavior of 3 days, the main purpose is to discuss with North Korean Foreign Ministry officials some of the problems associated with the declaration.

In accordance with the six-party talks on October 3 last year, "published the second phase of the operation of the Joint Statement," a joint document, North Korea should be December 31, 2007 to complete the Yongbyon area 3 to disable nuclear facilities, and its All nuclear program a complete and accurate declaration. Meanwhile, the U.S. should be based on North Korea's actions toward fulfilling its commitment on the parties concerned the DPRK will provide economic, energy and humanitarian assistance. (Xinhua News Agency, China Daily)

Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon suffered a massive stroke suddenly again

The evening of January 4, Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon suffered a massive stroke suddenly again, but due to intracranial bleeding and dying. The Middle East strongman suddenly fell directly affect the situation in Israel and the whole Middle East region, and attracted worldwide attention.

Sharon's medical treatment far away unexpectedly sudden attack of a serious illness

【Sharon's farm at 21:00 on January 4】

Local time at 15:00 on the 4th, Sharon back in the Negev desert after work private farms. 21:00, Sharon suddenly felt chest pain and extremely boring.

Accompanying the doctor to do a simple diagnosis suggested he immediately went to Jerusalem's Hadassah hospital for treatment. But because there is no car to use a helicopter, Sharon spent more than an hour arrived at the hospital at 23:00.

Israel, which has baffled down: First, why is not Sharon, but the car by helicopter; Second, why the detour Sharon, not from the farms nearby Beersheba hospital, rather than to more distant Hadassah Hospital in Jerusalem .

In response, Israeli television very roughly 5 revealed that it was all strange Sharon suffer in silence, and then could not carry strongly against the use of helicopters, all to his political image.

Prime Minister to hand over power to hand over power in the way medical care

【Doctor on the way at 23:00 on January 4th so】

According to the Israeli "Haaretz" 5 disclosure, Sharon conscious in the hospital on the way, he were called to the Deputy Prime Minister Ehud Olmert, Cabinet Secretary Maimon and Attorney General Mazuz, announced by Deputy Prime Minister Prime Minister power in Austria Er Mote temporary charge.

Sharon originally scheduled for 5 to do "make up the heart" surgery to hand over power temporarily when the Prime Minister did not expect this process to a sudden severe stroke a few hours earlier. This is a 57-year history of the Israeli prime minister to hand over power for the first time due to illness.

According to reports, the Israeli police and IDF was immediately strengthened the Deputy Prime Minister Ehud Olmert's residence in Jerusalem to defend the efforts.

Cabinet Secretary Maimon and Attorney General Mazuz was 5 am to Olmert at home, their task is to understand the prime minister Ehud Olmert as soon as possible to explain the new position of its working procedures.

Sharon semi-paralysis is very small chance of recovery

【Hadassah Hospital on January 5 am】

Such as the power of life the way salon complete surrender of power in the medical treatment that he was very ill. Israeli television reported that, in fact, Sharon's illness after the lower body completely paralyzed, he was stretcher into the hospital.

Initial inspection of the Hadassah Hospital You Sufu immediately issued a brief statement, said Sharon this is "serious stroke", the hospital has been on the salon and give him general anesthesia ventilator plug.

Doctors at the Hadassah Hospital in Jerusalem of the first published report on the condition that Sharon is very small chance of full recovery.

Because stroke is the most dangerous of all kind of stroke, nearly half of these patients will die within one month after the stroke. If patients do not injected blood thinner, it is very likely to cause thrombosis and vessel blockages, but if too much blood thinner injections, will again lead to a large number of patients with brain hemorrhage.

Sharon still unconscious 24 hours of surgery

【Emergency room at 0:00 on January 5 - 6:00】

Hadassah Hospital in Jerusalem immediately after Sharon's admission that he had surgery. Sharon's doctors had general anesthesia, and the ventilator's help, do everything possible out of his intracranial hemorrhage.

Up to 6 hours after the surgery, a message quickly occupied the major media headlines: "the end of surgery, Sharon is still alive!" Associated Press, Reuters, CNN and other mainstream media first reported that nearly message.

But not long, ominous news, the doctor for further examination in the salon and found blood in his brain's not entirely removed, had to re-enter the operating room, but Sharon has not wake up. As a sedative, Sharon still unconscious 24 hours.

Observation period has not yet out of danger

【Intensive observation room at 9:00 on January 5 has】

After a long and more than two hours, You Sufu President announced that Sharon intracranial hemorrhage has been stopped, after a CT examination, doctors at Hadassah Hospital in Sharon's vital signs stable identified, but no danger period.

You Sufu said: "After a CT examination, the Prime Minister has now entered the ICU for further observation ... ... All vital signs normal, relatively stable, but no danger period. "This brain surgery lasted about 8 hours, You Sufu declined to say by what Sharon's brain damage. Release author Xu Bingchuan

Direct cause

Disorder medication + overworked

According to analysis, the reason why surgery has become so complex, the culprit is Sharon taking anticoagulant drugs. Sharon's stroke on December 18 last year, have been taking anticoagulant drugs, the drug is believed to have led to this salon a serious stroke.

Israel Television reported that Sharon's personal physician Mel cases, treatment of Sharon's stroke is the most critical to avoid new, more serious stroke, for which he had carried out on Sharon anticoagulant therapy in order to dilute the blood and clear the blood vessels, But this does not rule out the risk of side effects such as stroke production. Unfortunately, this situation happened.

Meanwhile, he also believes that Sharon's illness shortly after doctors allowed to put into intensive work is a serious mistake.

Cause of the disease

Super food intake + "bucket" Waist

Given Sharon's body obesity, doctors have advised him to strict dieting. But Sharon is clearly not the doctor's words seriously. Sharon's appetite on the story of another, a journalist recalled that in a brief interview, he saw Ariel Sharon eating a bucket of potato chips. The day before the stroke, Sharon enjoyed with his family in Hamburg, barbecue row, lamb skewers and salads, he also ate a piece of chocolate cake as dessert.

About Sharon's appetite, there are many stories that Sharon liked to take his usual great self-deprecating food intake and super waist. He said his favorite food is meat, "No matter what way is cooking out." Sharon's wife had once forced his diet may have secretly Sharon confidential documents in the country with a huge stuffed pizza, above all greasy lamb and turkey.

■ Sharon history

Since March 2001 as the Israeli prime minister, Ariel Sharon rarely miss work because of illness.

Kidney stones: February 2004, suffering from kidney stones at a hospital in Tel Aviv Ariel Sharon underwent successful surgery ultrasonic lithotripsy, and go home after a few hours.

Stroke: December 18, 2005, Ariel Sharon for "the heart blood vessels clot" causing minor stroke and was hospitalized two days after discharge, and at home recuperating for a few days.

Heart disease: December 26, 2005, Sharon's doctors were meticulous physical examination, his ventricular found a diaphragm diameter of 1 mm to 2 mm of the "hole." Sharon's personal physician said Sharon need to go to hospital for heart treatment, surgery or for him "repair the heart fill hole."

Obesity: December 26, 2005, Jerusalem's Hadassah Hospital, announced the cardiovascular specialist Sharon's weight - 118 kg, taking into account the Sharon 1.7 m in height, his weight should not exceed 80 kg. Doctors also stressed that Sharon's blood pressure and blood cholesterol levels are in line with normal standards, his only problem is that waist circumference is too rough.
UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon arrived in Myanmar on Friday, a two-day short visit. In addition to the Myanmar military government leaders held talks, but Ban Ki-moon also called for opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi to meet with.

Ban Ki-moon arrived at Yangon airport by government officials to meet Myanmar military. He said that the purpose of this trip is to urge the military government to release Aung San Suu Kyi and other political prisoners, he will also urge the military government for the fair next year election ready.

Ban then went to the capital of Naypyidaw, Than Shwe talks with the leaders. Ban Ki-moon presented to the Than Shwe, to meet personally with Aung San Suu Kyi, but the sources, Than Shwe initially refused the request. But the meeting, Ban Ki-moon After that, he is still waiting for the military government's reply.

On the other hand, Aung San Suu Kyi was charged with violating the ban on soft Friday continue the original trial, her supporters gathered in solidarity outside the court. But the judge said, however temporary, as the Supreme Court did not timely file the case to the lower court, so the case requires retrial adjourned to the 10th of this month.

Phoenix roundup Kwong Yiu Fai

Earlier reports:

The United Nations special envoy Ibrahim Gambari arrived in Burma to pave the way for the Ban Ki-moon to visit Myanmar

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