
Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon suffered a massive stroke suddenly again

The evening of January 4, Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon suffered a massive stroke suddenly again, but due to intracranial bleeding and dying. The Middle East strongman suddenly fell directly affect the situation in Israel and the whole Middle East region, and attracted worldwide attention.

Sharon's medical treatment far away unexpectedly sudden attack of a serious illness

【Sharon's farm at 21:00 on January 4】

Local time at 15:00 on the 4th, Sharon back in the Negev desert after work private farms. 21:00, Sharon suddenly felt chest pain and extremely boring.

Accompanying the doctor to do a simple diagnosis suggested he immediately went to Jerusalem's Hadassah hospital for treatment. But because there is no car to use a helicopter, Sharon spent more than an hour arrived at the hospital at 23:00.

Israel, which has baffled down: First, why is not Sharon, but the car by helicopter; Second, why the detour Sharon, not from the farms nearby Beersheba hospital, rather than to more distant Hadassah Hospital in Jerusalem .

In response, Israeli television very roughly 5 revealed that it was all strange Sharon suffer in silence, and then could not carry strongly against the use of helicopters, all to his political image.

Prime Minister to hand over power to hand over power in the way medical care

【Doctor on the way at 23:00 on January 4th so】

According to the Israeli "Haaretz" 5 disclosure, Sharon conscious in the hospital on the way, he were called to the Deputy Prime Minister Ehud Olmert, Cabinet Secretary Maimon and Attorney General Mazuz, announced by Deputy Prime Minister Prime Minister power in Austria Er Mote temporary charge.

Sharon originally scheduled for 5 to do "make up the heart" surgery to hand over power temporarily when the Prime Minister did not expect this process to a sudden severe stroke a few hours earlier. This is a 57-year history of the Israeli prime minister to hand over power for the first time due to illness.

According to reports, the Israeli police and IDF was immediately strengthened the Deputy Prime Minister Ehud Olmert's residence in Jerusalem to defend the efforts.

Cabinet Secretary Maimon and Attorney General Mazuz was 5 am to Olmert at home, their task is to understand the prime minister Ehud Olmert as soon as possible to explain the new position of its working procedures.

Sharon semi-paralysis is very small chance of recovery

【Hadassah Hospital on January 5 am】

Such as the power of life the way salon complete surrender of power in the medical treatment that he was very ill. Israeli television reported that, in fact, Sharon's illness after the lower body completely paralyzed, he was stretcher into the hospital.

Initial inspection of the Hadassah Hospital You Sufu immediately issued a brief statement, said Sharon this is "serious stroke", the hospital has been on the salon and give him general anesthesia ventilator plug.

Doctors at the Hadassah Hospital in Jerusalem of the first published report on the condition that Sharon is very small chance of full recovery.

Because stroke is the most dangerous of all kind of stroke, nearly half of these patients will die within one month after the stroke. If patients do not injected blood thinner, it is very likely to cause thrombosis and vessel blockages, but if too much blood thinner injections, will again lead to a large number of patients with brain hemorrhage.

Sharon still unconscious 24 hours of surgery

【Emergency room at 0:00 on January 5 - 6:00】

Hadassah Hospital in Jerusalem immediately after Sharon's admission that he had surgery. Sharon's doctors had general anesthesia, and the ventilator's help, do everything possible out of his intracranial hemorrhage.

Up to 6 hours after the surgery, a message quickly occupied the major media headlines: "the end of surgery, Sharon is still alive!" Associated Press, Reuters, CNN and other mainstream media first reported that nearly message.

But not long, ominous news, the doctor for further examination in the salon and found blood in his brain's not entirely removed, had to re-enter the operating room, but Sharon has not wake up. As a sedative, Sharon still unconscious 24 hours.

Observation period has not yet out of danger

【Intensive observation room at 9:00 on January 5 has】

After a long and more than two hours, You Sufu President announced that Sharon intracranial hemorrhage has been stopped, after a CT examination, doctors at Hadassah Hospital in Sharon's vital signs stable identified, but no danger period.

You Sufu said: "After a CT examination, the Prime Minister has now entered the ICU for further observation ... ... All vital signs normal, relatively stable, but no danger period. "This brain surgery lasted about 8 hours, You Sufu declined to say by what Sharon's brain damage. Release author Xu Bingchuan

Direct cause

Disorder medication + overworked

According to analysis, the reason why surgery has become so complex, the culprit is Sharon taking anticoagulant drugs. Sharon's stroke on December 18 last year, have been taking anticoagulant drugs, the drug is believed to have led to this salon a serious stroke.

Israel Television reported that Sharon's personal physician Mel cases, treatment of Sharon's stroke is the most critical to avoid new, more serious stroke, for which he had carried out on Sharon anticoagulant therapy in order to dilute the blood and clear the blood vessels, But this does not rule out the risk of side effects such as stroke production. Unfortunately, this situation happened.

Meanwhile, he also believes that Sharon's illness shortly after doctors allowed to put into intensive work is a serious mistake.

Cause of the disease

Super food intake + "bucket" Waist

Given Sharon's body obesity, doctors have advised him to strict dieting. But Sharon is clearly not the doctor's words seriously. Sharon's appetite on the story of another, a journalist recalled that in a brief interview, he saw Ariel Sharon eating a bucket of potato chips. The day before the stroke, Sharon enjoyed with his family in Hamburg, barbecue row, lamb skewers and salads, he also ate a piece of chocolate cake as dessert.

About Sharon's appetite, there are many stories that Sharon liked to take his usual great self-deprecating food intake and super waist. He said his favorite food is meat, "No matter what way is cooking out." Sharon's wife had once forced his diet may have secretly Sharon confidential documents in the country with a huge stuffed pizza, above all greasy lamb and turkey.

■ Sharon history

Since March 2001 as the Israeli prime minister, Ariel Sharon rarely miss work because of illness.

Kidney stones: February 2004, suffering from kidney stones at a hospital in Tel Aviv Ariel Sharon underwent successful surgery ultrasonic lithotripsy, and go home after a few hours.

Stroke: December 18, 2005, Ariel Sharon for "the heart blood vessels clot" causing minor stroke and was hospitalized two days after discharge, and at home recuperating for a few days.

Heart disease: December 26, 2005, Sharon's doctors were meticulous physical examination, his ventricular found a diaphragm diameter of 1 mm to 2 mm of the "hole." Sharon's personal physician said Sharon need to go to hospital for heart treatment, surgery or for him "repair the heart fill hole."

Obesity: December 26, 2005, Jerusalem's Hadassah Hospital, announced the cardiovascular specialist Sharon's weight - 118 kg, taking into account the Sharon 1.7 m in height, his weight should not exceed 80 kg. Doctors also stressed that Sharon's blood pressure and blood cholesterol levels are in line with normal standards, his only problem is that waist circumference is too rough.

