
Entry may allow Netanyahu

  Entry may allow Netanyahu to persuade him to a new coalition government to freeze settlement construction in the Clinton and visiting Israeli leaders have ended a marathon round of talks in New York with a powerful "unshakable commitment to Israel's security and the Declaration of the peace in the region. "

The two sides "agreed to continue the Prime Minister and the Secretary of the direct negotiations, to the importance of achieving our goal," to solve the problem at no direct reference to the joint statement said.

Clinton repeated - have attacked the problem in resolving the deadlock on - the peace talks may not yet have a "secure and recognized borders and to reflect subsequent developments, and to meet Israel's security requirements." Living next to Israel, an independent Palestine

Joint statement said: "These requirements will be fully taken into account any future peace agreement."

It added that any future Palestinian state should be based on the 1967 borders with Israel could keep some territory in exchange for other Israeli occupied West Bank Palestinians the prospect of extending the territory, "the agreed exchange."

Israeli officials said Netanyahu faced by the Union in solving problems within their own tough political sell on the new United States to promote broad understanding of Clinton's security needs of Israel in any final peace agreement.

Netanyahu, "the possibility of reaching a peace agreement will significantly improve the security of a comprehensive understanding between Israel and the United States," said before the start of Thursday's talks.

Israel wants a future Palestinian state, as well as financial help pay for security arrangements necessary to achieve peace deal if the eastern boundary of the long-term military presence in the Jordan Valley.

U.S. officials said, Clinton and Netanyahu, including one to one meeting and a more extensive discussion, including the Middle East peace envoy George Mitchell and the National Security Council Middle East expert Dan Piluo New York, other U.S. officials met for a period of seven hours.

A way forward

Obama talks Thursday marked the latest attempt to restart the management of September 2 in Washington, but was three weeks after the Palestinians hangs Netanyahu refused to extend the building 10 months of direct limits freeze the peace talks in the West Bank settlements.

Settlements deadlock seemed to deepen this week when Israel announced its intention to continue a new housing project, some 43 years ago, it annexed the West Bank, Jerusalem, Netanyahu stressed that the Palestinians worry about whether the government will push forward the peace process, settlements impact.

Clinton, on Wednesday said that Israel decided to tackle building is just the opposite, that she continues to believe that Benjamin Netanyahu and Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas is serious about talks.

"The Prime Minister and President Abbas are very committed to the two solutions. We must find a way forward, "she said before meeting with Netanyahu.

