
Quest U.S. "concentration camp thugs"

Here prisoners gangs everywhere, some gang leader in prison, men still can remote control the criminal activity. Sometimes this is more like a mob highest institution, the experience of prisoners serving sentences here is more like gold, become a status symbol: not everyone is eligible to come in. Pelican Bay Prison (PBSP) is located in Crescent City, California, built in 1989, specialized detain serious offenders.

50 million worldwide to be more humane care for women prisoners

British League for penal reform, said the information available, filled with men and prison violence, the atmosphere is different is that women's prisons are often filled with despair in the air. Frequently female self-mutilation, suicide has become a crisis in the prison system throughout the UK

▲ California women's prison.

The rule of law over the weekend reporter Xue Hongtao

Not long ago, the Afghan Interior Ministry official said, the Afghan women who are mostly female prison "morally out of the problem." Some of them fled from home, some people do not want to get married by their parents, some people run away. Of course, the female also has committed serious crimes such as murder and other serious criminals.

In 2008, Afghanistan's first independent women's prisons built in the capital Kabul. So far, few have been established throughout Afghanistan, similar to the women's prison blocks. Many of the female inmates have minor children, so the prison is also a lot of children into custody. Women's prison in Kabul, each room has three bunk beds and a separate toilet.

According to Afghan officials said the women's prison in Afghanistan to improve their basic living conditions of women prisoners, and to help these women to support themselves after release. At present, the Afghan national were detained in prisons and hundreds of hundreds of female children. Prior to this, these children are female, and mixed with the male prisoners detained in a prison with.

400-year history of women's prisons

Currently, the national prison system is more commonly used classification of male offenders in prisons and women's prison, the men and women the were held, not only for gender considerations, but also conducive to men and women under different physiological and psychological characteristics to take a different management and educational measures, the implementation of individualized at the event.

Women's prison is just a special type of prison and other prisons category also includes women's prison, such as an open prison, prison, guilty of negligence, treatment and forbidden prison, progressive prisons.

Modern Western prisons began in the 16th century, the development of the prison experience of Western countries from simple to complex, from extensive to science, through several centuries of development. 1519, Spain began to prison for male and female inmates housed separately. Late 16th century, the Dutch created a free sentence, followed by the establishment of the implementation of free sentence in the modern sense of the prison. Correction Centre Amsterdam, the Netherlands became a model for prisons in Western countries. Meanwhile, the Dutch authorities to avoid the charge of the case mix of men and women prisoners, in 1598 the Amsterdam city Wei Zila monastery transformed into women's textile prison. 1595 British Women's Correction Centre established, when they separate from male prisoners and female prisoners in custody is the modern men and women approach the start of the prison sub-supervisor.

1704 Pope XI for juvenile offenders run the Roman Catholic Church a prison, in 1735, the Roman Pope as the woman opened a special prison, the formation of separate male and female prisoners approach. During this period prison inmates classified mainly by gender and age classification of the natural attributes, this classification a great impact on the world, until the 18th century.

In 1773, the United States into Walter Street jail, prison, respectively, according to the nature of the prisoners held. In 1775, William XIV in a prison in Belgium adopted taking into account age, gender characteristics and crime measures such factors as district prison. Monitoring system has been divided between men and women prisoners more and more countries recognized.

In 1792, the United Kingdom into a county jail to the detention center, will be convicted prisoners, unconvicted prisoners, respectively, while for juvenile offenders, adult offenders, male offenders, female prisoners separately. To the 19th century, imprisonment is still the mainstream thinking of punishing deterrence doctrine, but some scholars put forward positive educational doctrine to the execution of punishment instead of a negative doctrine.

October 1870, in Cincinnati called the first national prison conference is the establishment of National Prison Association. The General Assembly adopted the "1870 Declaration of Principles", requiring the establishment of small-scale prisons and the implementation of different types of classification of prisoners imprisoned, the General Assembly proposed a "spiritual regeneration" to replace the "suffering of atonement" slogan.

1844 U.S. Women's Prison Association was founded, the goal is to improve the treatment of female prisoners were held and the requirements. Established after the Civil War, the United States women's reformatory school too, but the American's first independent women's prison built in 1872, in the next 50 years, the other 13 states before being set up special women's prison.

After the 20th century, imprisonment for corrective education will gradually change its thinking, the Western countries have clearly made the Prisons Act to establish the prison system is to correct the offender, so reverted to the community. After World War II, the non-custodial alternatives to imprisonment of at patterns of case has become the core of the prison reform movement. Open institutions in Europe and the United States has made great progress, an important criminal system.

Muqian most countries, in accordance with the age of offenders, sex offenders adult male prison setting, women's prison and juvenile offenders on the basis of the prison, and according to their history, culture, socio-economic situation there are many new prison classification rules and practices.

France established a long-term prisoners for confinement in prisons and detention centers central; for the custody and detention of offenders of other special prison. Among them, the special prison is the women's prison, the medical prison, prison recidivism.

There are several varieties of the Soviet Union to places of detention reform through labor camps, prisons and reeducation through labor camps. Special education through labor camps held juvenile offenders. In 1992, the Russian Labor Code provides that transformation: "reform through labor institutions in the separate detention of sentenced persons." Including: separate male and female prisoners; was sentenced to deprivation of liberty for women and minors held separately; the first time women have been sentenced over the past service punishment of women housed separately.

Correction of the Hong Kong region of China by Western influence, while retaining the traditional oriental culture. Hong Kong's correctional system are: prisons, training center and detention center, drug addicts. Which the prison is divided into: adult male offenders, young male offenders, adult female, young female 4. One young male offenders, the young female prisoners were men and women under the age of 21 prisoners.

Female's life-saving Angel Fry

From the 18th century, the capitalist economy developed rapidly in the UK, growing polarization between rich and poor, leading to simultaneous growth of crime, prison inmates increase. Behind the prison management and social development, infrastructure can not meet the regulatory needs, leading to prison overcrowding, epidemics, crime, serious cross-infection.

The early 19th century English prison conditions and management, both from the point of view, can be described as a "living hell", which mainly are: remote locations, harsh conditions; management confusion, regulatory weakness, with male offenders and female prisoners in custody Female inmates were also often the male guards molested and indecent; strict prison rules, the penalty Yeman; poor conditions, epidemics, according to historical records, the prison doors in London's new manager and in 1414 there were 64 prison who died of the plague.

The late 18th century and early 19th century European countries is the prevailing trend in the humanitarian phase of social transition. People for the implementation of the feudal society to give a good beating criminal intimidation, against torture, the implementation of the idea of humanization of punishment including the abolition of corporal punishment and other content only, but also the reform of the prison system to protect the treatment and so the lowest criminals.

British Christian Quaker philanthropist Elizabeth Fry lived in this period, when Britain is in a variant of social transition and the main stage, all areas have experienced tremendous changes in the test, prisons and justice as well. British Industrial Revolution and the rise in crime caused by the darkness of prison overcrowding situation in prisons and penal reform to become a necessity.

1817 to 1820, Elizabeth Fry launched a new nationwide prison reform movement, which the British prison reform into a new era. Her first prison run by the factory is its schools and prisons to implement important measures of prison reform.

Fry stressed that prisons should implement the principles of category management. Male and female prisoners must be isolated in prison, women inmates in the prison, sometimes it hurts far more than male prisoners, because they are tortured in addition to, but also often by male guards and male prisoners sexually assaulted. She suggested that people who look after the best women's prison are women and girls undergo female prison only to visit.

Fry is also recommended for additional prison pastor, with religion as a guide to correct criminal thinking of offenders based on the main spirit of religion should be changed especially for women prisoners, prisoners attitude play an important role. She also believes that prisons should employ their own specialized doctors to treat offenders are suffering from various diseases, and the only men allowed to enter the women's prison should only be a doctor.

The end of 1816, Fry established a British prison the first school in history. Although the classroom is just a tiny cell, the surrounding environment is poor, teachers are elected from the female in the students are female and their 30 children born in prison, but its significance is profound.

1817 April, Fry organized and set up a "new door Association of Prison correctional women", the association of 11 wealthy Quaker women and a wife of the pastor other denominations, whose purpose is: to female to provide clothes; guidance of their habits; professor of technology they work so that it can be hired; guide their thinking and spirit so that they can tame in prison to reform the attitude, after his release from prison can do to ensure self-reliant, no longer return to prostitution.

Fry the implementation of vocational training and reward systems in the history of the British prison reform initiative for the growth of female offenders, especially offenders skills, and enhance living after being released from prison the ability to provide a good opportunity. Around for the correct guidance in women, but also for the prison reform toward a common goal, in April 1821, Fry set up a "reform of the British female Affairs Association."

British Prisons Act 1823 introduced penalties in the history of the United Kingdom a milestone, which contains many ideas that Frye and other reformers who have the fighting creed. Since then, offenders are classified detention; male and female prisoners and female prisoners should be isolated by female prison guards to watch and so on. Prisons in many countries the world reference to the UK prison mode.

Fry in the reform process to promote the concept of execution from the death penalty, corporal punishment system of criminal penalties to the freedom of change. In modern times, the prison has undergone a fundamental change in the role, criminal punishment of isolation from the simple place, transformed into an educational mission of the correct place rehabilitation of offenders. Fry contributed to this transformation.

Global female amazing growth

August 2010, the British penal reform coalition submitted data show that in women's prisons in England and Wales, the CPC held the 4230 female, of which 63% of female prisoners are non-violent crimes, 78% of women prisoners have mental problems, 58% of female prisoners drug and alcohol dependency, 37% of the female prison before the attempted suicide.

June 1995, the number of female prisoners in England and Wales is 1979, 2000 3355, 2007 4283, 2009, the United Kingdom a total of 11,044 female prisoners in custody.

According to the International Centre for Prison Studies estimates there are around 50 million women prisoners are held in place a variety of punishment, the United States is the country with the largest female, some female 183,000, the total number of global female 1 / 3 . United States and other countries, although the number and proportion of female prisoners has been growing, but the number of female less than male offenders.

According to statistics, in June 2006, 925 million people around the world there are prisoners, of which the largest number of American prisoners, the federal and state prison inmates a total of 2,245,189 people. In the U.S., the proportion of female prisoners account for 9.1% of all female prisoners, the global average of 4.3%. However, given the total number of U.S. prisoners and prisoners in the proportion of the total population, the U.S. female prisoners accounted for 9.1% of the country, it means that the United States and the female proportion of the total U.S. population is 1.34 ‰, the ratio is high in the world .

From June 2005 to June 2006, the U.S. federal and state judicial decisions of the female growth rate is twice the male offenders, in the year, the number of female growth rate is 4.6%, while the number of male offenders growth rate was 2.7%. This female is also broadly in line with the growth rate from 2000 to 2006 the growth rate equivalent to that from 2000 to 2006 the number of 6 years the average U.S. growth rate of female is about 3.3% during the same period the average growth rate of male offenders was 2%.

Women's prisons are packed around the reality in the world, especially countries with high rates of crime. The high crime rate in South Africa is attracting worldwide attention, prison is often overcrowded. South Africa's existing 224 prisons, including 115 men, prison, eight female prisons, juvenile detention center 12, the other 89 prisons were both male offenders, there are female prisoners. The biggest problem facing South Africa's prison capacity is inadequate, overcrowded. Even more prominent women's prison, the design of the prison, 89 prisoners detained 231 people actually.

The confinement of women's prisons in South Africa, generally speaking there are three, one is a large dormitory, two floors, all next to a bed, a large room with 40 people detained. One is only room for one or two on the bed of the small room, which held a 2-4 inmates. Maternal and child custody is at the third, although there is a large dormitory, but it should be relatively large number, three sides of a large bed, the middle one for the kids to play venues, wall covered with paintings, in the aisle wall has a row of children's beds.

Women's violent crime in South Africa is not very common, mostly because of female theft, fraud and the imprisonment, among them most uneducated, many people put in prison or no work to do at home or in another domestic helper.

South Africa's maternal and child custody women's prison room, is to take care of those children were young when sentencing women. Maternal and child custody conditions in terms of room space or room air than other cells in health is better, as far as possible to create conditions for the prison to those innocent children, including the person responsible for care of children out of the sun and the kids to play on the lawn , to give children toys. Children 5 years old in prison before the prison sector and the community need to a charity or religious structure of contact, for the children find a way out.

Some of the major national women's prison are foreigners, such as the Dubai Women's Prison, the prison is currently a total of 160 female prisoners, but only 2 of their citizens, and the remaining 48 prisoners from other countries. They are crimes, including murder, drug trafficking.

Lack of emotional and spiritual care

Prison system was originally designed for the man detained. However, demand for female and male offenders are fundamentally different, female gynecological and obstetric health needs special care; many female prisoners still in jail before breast-feeding their children, many female children born in prison; many women prisoners in progress sexual abuse before prison, and often victims of physical harm; also many female prisoners suffer from mental and emotional harm; in the same circumstances, and compared with male offenders, female prisoners in return to the family and society to face more obstacles.

Prison is meant for female greater emotional and spiritual harm. Female usually has a strong sense of helplessness and sense of shame, which is very easily lead to their feelings, emotional, spiritual and psychological problems. And compared with the same sex outside the prison, women prisoners at the prison lack of specialized medical care, in the women's prison there for a few special female discrimination, so that more emphasis on their psychological burden and emotional torture.

According to the survey, London's Holloway women's prison in cases of self-mutilation every day --- someone is trying to self-immolation occurred, some people cut themselves, it was secretly poisoned, and others kept the head on the wall ... ...

Holloway women's prison, many women prisoners are trained in trauma, mental health worrying, they self-harm and suicide is quite high. According to statistics, the prison in the United Kingdom, 50% of female self-mutilation is the case as suicide. With the increasing number of female prisoners, from 2002 to 2003, female cases of deliberate self-harm rose to 7,400 a day from self-mutilation occurred at least three cases.

Holloway women's prison, a female named Louis who is typical of self-mutilation. Lewis Road in the wound himself cut his debut, as every day to add a new wound, unhealed scars of old and new injuries piled up together, so that a large swollen arm. Keep a road on her arm deep scars. The reason why self-mutilation, because Lewis was an alcoholic mother taught from childhood to this idea: "real woman" is not crying. Lewis will not cry to cut the wrist release.

Many female prisoners in Holloway women's prison, hanged himself in the selection, bed sheets became commonly used female suicide tool. The prevention of suicide in prison is responsible for affairs of the total WPC Chatten a knife hanging from the belt to cut suicide timely twist neck rope. Some inmates in prison using porcelain cup brought from home, and these glasses after breaking a suicide weapon.

Prison self-harm and suicide prevention consultant Snow explained: "Many women prisoners have been very painful experience, some people have lost their mother in the qualifications, many people lost their personal status, self-mutilation so that they get some satisfaction. We They should provide other channels to get satisfaction. "

British League for penal reform, said the information available, filled with men and prison violence, the atmosphere is different is that women's prisons are often filled with despair in the air. Frequently female self-mutilation, suicide has become a crisis in the prison system throughout the UK. Suicide, sexual abuse, mental and addicted to drugs and so on, almost all the women's prison filled with the British.

People in the investigation into the cause of suicide was found, mainly caused by female suicide despair, pressure and shame. They were in jail, away from family and friends, many weak forces met strong female female abuse.

British League for penal reform proposals: Women's Prison should only be held for those extremely violent and dangerous female, who only about less than 100; the rest of female labor can substitute for them through social penalties.


Toxic components of fly ash effects on the human body

Toxic components of fly ash effects on the human body
Metals can cause disease
Arsenic Arsenic
Many types of cancer, skin discoloration, hand warts

Barium Barium
Gastrointestinal problems, muscle weakness, heart damage

Boron Boron
Reproductive diseases, gastrointestinal diseases,

Chromium Chromium
Cancer, ulcers and other stomach problems

Lead Lead
Mental decline, nervous system damage, developmental and behavioral problems

Mn Manganese
Nervous system damage, muscle problems, mental retardation

Mercury Mercury
Cognitive impairment, developmental delay, behavioral problems

Molybdenum Molybdenum
Mineral imbalances, anemia, developmental defects

Vanadium Vanadium
Birth defects, lung / throat / eye disease

Cobalt Cobalt
Lung / heart / liver / kidney disease, dermatitis

Zinc Zinc
Gastrointestinal problems, reproductive disorders

Sb Antimony
Stimulate the eye, heart damage, lung disease

Cd Cadmium
Lung disease, kidney disease, cancer

Nickel Nickel
Cancer, lung disease, allergic reactions

Se Selenium
Birth defects, affect children's bone growth

Pollution caused by fly ash field
Pollution Category investigate cases
Water Pollution
The eastern outskirts of eight teams, 10 years ago by well water contaminated ash field can not drink. Ash in the water discharged to the village dam reservoirs, power plants on the barbed wire around in the vicinity.

Mayi village ponds affected by the alkaline fly ash leachate, not fish. Puddles appear farmland base.
Land contamination

Singapore is booming, growing vegetables in the casing of the gray field is difficult, because the ash layer below the shallow soil water storage capacity of poor to non-drought, only more water, planting too costly. Chuang overflow discharge the party to stay near the estuary of the ditch without any preventive measures. Chuang Ash from the party to stay within 5 km of a dairy base, healthy planting base, a drinking water source, the organic farm.

Air Pollution
Singapore is booming, from the ash dam over the past, every time the wind blows, dust blown grass, the cows eat it and will be out of milk.

Singapore is booming, a hundred acres of apple orchards, due to dust pollution, selling fruit harvest is unwanted, forced or cheap.

Health Effects
Jiuquan Village, fly ash leachate pollution of groundwater bodies, leaving many residents with varying degrees of dental, skin diseases, arthritis, cervical spondylosis, frozen shoulder and other diseases.

Water Mill Village, dust makes the most of the villagers are suffering from asthma, cough, eye and skin moss and other skin diseases.

Other effects
Water Mill Village, Kam Yu ditch, the water table is too high so that all the flooding in the cellar in the village, house foundations are due to start soaking deformation, cracks, some houses had collapsed.

SDIC Qujing, a number of road on the periphery of the ashes, flushing a deep rift, when the rainy season there is a large collapse of the danger of collapse.

Panxian, ash field water seepage into the drag of the Yangtze.

Yu Township home, gray water discharged into the Lake.


The State Council announced recycling of waste electrical and electronic products specifications

Hit Bay

■ not belong to the state ban on imports of imports of waste electrical and electronic products

■ prohibiting the use of the obsolete technology and process waste electrical and electronic products

Recycling of waste electrical and electronic products with our lives. 7 reporter learned from the Ministry of Environmental Protection, to regulate the recycling of waste electrical and electronic products, treatment, practice green living, the State Council formulated and promulgated the "recycling of waste electrical and electronic products Management Ordinance" (hereinafter referred to as "Regulations"), 2011 into effect January 1.

It is understood that waste electrical and electronic products contain copper, aluminum, iron, plastic and other valuable resources. China is the electrical and electronic products production and consumption power. In 2008, China's output of 90.15 million TV sets, refrigerators 46 million sets, washing machines and 39 million units, air conditioning, 68.5 million units, the computer 138 million units, printers, 61.67 million units, mobile phones, 600 million. At present, the amount of electrical and electronic products each year out of tens of million dollars, and in some areas of our country there are a large number of hands of the workshop, for their pursuit of short-term benefits, the use of open burning, acid soaking and other backward way of disposal of waste electrical and electronic products and circuit boards, random emissions, waste, waste, causing serious environmental pollution and harm to human health. To effectively solve the waste electrical and electronic products, environmental pollution, the state issued the "Regulations."

"Regulations" includes treatment of waste electrical and electronic products catalog management system, waste electrical and electronic products to development planning system, centralized processing and handling qualified license system, etc., a number of management system, and import is not clear that State prohibits the import of waste electrical and electronic products, prohibiting the use of the obsolete technology and process waste electrical and electronic products.

Zhang Lijun, vice minister of Ministry of Environmental Protection, said, "Bill," the implementation of the norms for the recycling of waste electrical and electronic products processing activities to prevent and reduce environmental pollution and promote resource utilization, development of circular economy and building a resource-saving and environment-friendly society, protection of human health significance.


Appliance Recycling who pay recycling costs or are no longer free

The current appliance trade policies underway in full swing, and 10% of the amount of subsidies given countless public to come into it.

According to statistics, home appliance industry has remained high this year, the industry boom. Total sales volume of domestic air conditioning in October 7.339 million units, up 50.40 percent; September total sales of 6.18 million units refrigerators, an increase of 40.32%; washing September total sales 4,854,400 units, up 18. 20%.

Policies to stimulate domestic and export significant recovery in the dual role, since the second half last year, home appliance industry has been to maintain a high degree of industry, economy, sales booming, consumption upgrade was evident.

However appliances market compared to the prosperity of the new, second-hand goods market is trapped in a "just out of Nothing," the embarrassing state: the general public no longer sold to recyclers Jiu Jiadian hands, but from the secondary market in order to go home appliances bag bargains store redemption of new products.

Beijing Tenda materials recycling center staff in the "China's Sankei Shimbun," an interview said that the current recovery does not exist Jiujia Dian profit at all. "This part of home appliances mainly relied on state subsidies given to maintain, and our very wide range of recycling is not just limited to this."

National Development and Reform Commission, Ministry of Environmental Protection, Ministry of Industry and organizations to develop a "waste electrical and electronic products processing directory (first batch)" will come into effect in November 2011. The industry believes that this is the February 2009 State Council issued the "Waste Electrical and Electronic Product Recycling Management Ordinance" hereinafter referred to as "Regulations") to put into practice the signals.

"Regulations" in Article VII, "countries deal with waste electrical and electronic products, funds for recycling waste electrical and electronic products, the cost of subsidies. Electrical and electronic equipment producers, imports electrical and electronic products, the consignee or his agent shall waste electrical and electronic products to fulfill the payment obligations of handling funds. "And that, once achieved, it means that waste disposal charges appliance era.

In this regard, the staff member said, "If it charges, then, for the recovery of firms is undoubtedly good news, the original government subsidies, coupled with the appliance manufacturers have to pay waste disposal costs of home appliances, will give enterprises new profit growth point. "

However, for appliance manufacturers, the news is not good news. Manufacturers the cost will be calculated to pay more for the cost, reflected in the ex-factory prices on home appliances, back to the consumer.

Insiders said the "Regulations" of the implementation of the Aspect all parties, but from the big direction, treatment of waste household appliances no longer free, and will drive forward the development of home appliance recycling industry to accelerate the dismantling and the appliance industry recovery. Even after the appliance to the factory, it will take into account such issues as the dismantling of the future, so that later it expected pre-made and designed to reduce business costs and protecting the environment, play a catalytic role.

In this case, the consumer response is not so strong as reporters anticipated. TM to buy a new computer just to participate in Mr. Wang in the "China's Sankei Shimbun," an interview that even though the treatment of waste household appliances no longer free, it is not possible when dealing with their own money. "Max is a few dollars less for it, but also perhaps the time will have to wait until the implementation of supporting policies and introduced new," Mr. Wang smiled and responded. (Wei Wei)


Lack of energy-saving lamp recycling system

Economic Herald

In recent years, wind energy saving through energy-saving lamps are a great popularity. It is understood, be treated as a model of energy saving lamps, because it contains small amounts of mercury thrown away if damaged, it is likely to pollute the environment. National Energy Research Institute experts said Liu Hong, an energy-saving lamp tube contains an average of 0.5 milligrams of mercury, and 1 mg of mercury into the ground will result in approximately 360 tons of water pollution. Waste into energy-saving lamps "killer" "light is broken at home, neighborhood today to buy a few. "22, Liu told the public the economic Herald reporter, since the energy-saving lamps to spend, the family has changed a dozen, I heard that tube with mercury will pollute the environment, I am not throwing in the past have accumulated some use bad energy-saving lamps, but asked several waste collection, and the white to it away, but finally thrown into the trash.

To promote energy conservation, 2008, by the National Development and Reform Commission Ministry of Finance and other departments jointly launched a large-scale government subsidies to promote efficient lighting products activities, the use of these products and bulk users of urban and rural residents were given 50% and 30% subsidies. The project launched two years, the country has accumulated to promote energy-saving lamps 210 million, the annual saving 8.8 billion kwh, 8.8 million tons of carbon dioxide emissions, and plans to promote efficient lighting products this year, 150 million. This year, Shandong Province, to promote the task of 500 million, is expected to achieve energy-saving 5. 2.3 billion kwh, electricity saving 309 million yuan. It is understood that a common energy-saving lamps average mercury content of 0.5 mg, if disposed of improperly, it is seeping into the ground, follow the theory of 1 mg of mercury pollution in 360 tons of water can be calculated, 0.5 mg of mercury could contaminate 180 tons of water and the surrounding soil. Moreover, since the low boiling point of mercury at room temperature to evaporate, energy-saving lamps discarded broken, make instantaneous concentration of mercury in ambient air exceeded a hundredfold. Once in the body of mercury exceeded, would damage the human central nervous system, and the human body once inhaled 2.5 grams of mercury vapor can be fatal. Currently, energy-saving lamps contain mercury waste has been included in the "national hazardous waste list." Recycling system is still blank 22, Herald reporter arrived at Jinan, wholesale lamps, North Park Avenue, where from time to time staff reporters tried to promote energy-saving lamp Review energy saving, long service life, but when asked by reporters abandoned Herald How should the CFL deal with, can not be recovered, the clerk said there is not clear, and some say energy-saving lamps are environmentally friendly products, no pollution; most staff said that manufacturers and businesses do not provide special recycling services. Herald reporters took a few shops were observed several brands of energy saving lamps, found, including GE, Philips brands, including several energy-saving lamps are in the product instructions on the box marked on the light, the major component materials whether the toxic substances contained excessive information. Only a few brands of energy saving replacement lamp life, will abandon the energy-saving lamps for recycling. "After the energy-saving lamp return for manufacturers, as to how to deal with manufacturers, we do not know. "In light trading for many years, said Ms. Yang, the brand better energy-saving lamps can be used continuously for years without quality problems.

Herald reporter then call the Environmental Protection Bureau of Jinan City, Jinan, asked whether the recovery of abandoned channels of energy-saving lamps. Staff told the Herald reporter, issued by the State directory of new hazardous waste regulations, domestic waste generated in daily life and its packaging, pharmaceuticals, waste thermometers, blood pressure monitors waste, waste nickel cadmium batteries and mercuric oxide batteries and electronics hazardous waste, hazardous waste can not be managed in accordance with. That is, energy-saving lamps can be discarded as waste treatment. According to their understanding, no energy-saving lamps in Jinan collection points. Recovery system should be established as soon as possible "is not only energy-saving lamps, including toxic waste electrical elements of these waste recycling is a serious problem." Shandong Architecture University, Associate Professor Sun Yingjun Herald reporters received proposals from the actual situation, the bulk of users and residents of two-pronged approach to address the recycling issue. Bulk users, by the production and sale of energy-saving lamp enterprises to take responsibility for recycling; for scattered residential users, energy-saving lamps used to strengthen the propaganda against, and improve waste separation system to help residents properly dispose of used to form the habit of energy saving lamps. According to Shandong Province, a large waste recycling company said an engineer, the province after the survey data, each less than 1% recovery rate of waste lamps. The industry experts believe that this figure may represent the basic recovery of the country's energy-saving lamp status. Last year, the state promulgated the "Waste Electrical and Electronic Product Recycling Management Regulations", the Ordinance on January 1 next year began the implementation of regulations to encourage producers of electronic products, electronic waste recycling, but that the Ordinance in the extent to which the waste energy lamp recycling, are still unknown.

Ha Seung-Jin Han back Taiji Hu has emboldened Chinese media commentary with a question mark

Ticker Nov. 18, in the Chinese men's basketball game with the DPRK, the Korean professional basketball website "jumpball" Review of the Chinese teams. South Korean media is entitled: "The Chinese team really that great?" From the title, we have seen South Korean media, the attitude of the Chinese men's basketball.

In this article, South Korean media said the four key points:

First, this fighting Chinese Men Chinese Men's Asian Championships in 2009 was not as strong teams;

Second: Wang's state of decline quickly, physical strength and speed have declined;

Third: Liu Wei, greatly reduced fire attack;

Fourth: Tang, is a major threat to their inside.

Although the South Korean media said, as two rival groups too weak before the game, also do not see the true strength of the Chinese team. But from the ability of individual players, South Korea beat China still feel the possibility of men's basketball, at least two of the battle, the only time in recent years both in China without Yao Ming and Yi Jianlian Basketball.

China and North Korea Men's Basketball game mainly in the Asian Games at the Asian Games this stage, South Korea beat China three times, including twice in the final final. The last two teams clash in the Asian Games in Doha in 2006, when Wang and Yi Jianlian led China's basketball more than 68 to 52 victory over South Korea. In fact since the 2002 Busan Asian Games final, the recent eight years, the Chinese men's basketball team has never been a formal international competition lost to South Korea.

The Asian Games, South Korea's only one goal, that is, won the gold medal. Prior to the team's top 2-meter player Ha Seung-Jin 21, said in an interview, "We've done all the preparations, on the other blessing of God. "

South Korea have demonstrated in two group stage with a powerful fire, first game 103-54 over South Korea, Uzbekistan, Jordan, the second sweep Youyi 95-49. The first injury of the river rose truce town is also the second back in 15 minutes to get within 8 points. World War II and the Chinese team is getting closer, the state of South Koreans are adjusted to the optimum. In addition, the planning team player Lisheng Jun mixed state is also excellent, averaging to get 18.0 points. Korean media that the height of 2 meters 04 post player can be completely inhibited by Wang.

Since the 2002 Busan Asian Games gold medal, the Korean team has not won in eight years time Asian champion. The Guangzhou Asian Games, their only goal is to gold. South Korea points with the Chinese team in the same group, two teams will play against in the 21 November.

U.S. users Lively said the Chinese immigrants to the United States have children or to change the U.S. political arena

National Public Radio (NPR) published on November 22 entitled "born in the U.S.? Some Chinese are doing everything possible to do so, "the article said that in recent years more and more Chinese people by the" American dream "the temptation to have U.S. citizenship to the United States gave birth to a child. The article has caused the United States in a short time users of Lively, their mixed attitude on the matter. Some Internet users even suggested that if the long run, a huge number of Chinese immigrants will change the U.S. political arena.

In the NPR Web site message of hundreds of friends, among them, many people think that the behavior of the Chinese people to the United States have children is a threat, the U.S. immigration bill should be amended. Named "Smith Tordon" the netizen said: "Why this bill is still effective? American politicians should legislate to prevent the influx of Chinese people of our country, which is very unfair to U.S. citizens. We have been quite the employment status of Well, then these Chinese mothers of children being taken away some of the opportunities will only be worse. "Named" Stephen King "Chinese netizens are worried about is the opportunity to" develop "the United States, he said:" China is the most good at copying, these immigrants will grow up things to U.S. technology to China go, that will serve us very unfavorable. "

Many people believe that the behavior of the Chinese people to the United States have children is not a bad thing for the United States. One called "CW" the user said: "The Chinese people attach importance to education, there are plans for the future, and know how to plan carefully for their children, than some goof of Americans do not know how many times stronger. If they work in the United States and contribute to our country, this is not a bad thing. "and one called" Michael Langdon "netizens are strong words, said:" The media should shut up on this issue should not say that the Chinese people steal nationality of the thief. A man accused of stealing the premise is you have this thing can do is to have the nationality of a property? These Chinese immigrants to pay tuition as usual, as usual taxes, why should the United States assumed a posture of the victim? "

In many users, one named "Powr_Loadr" of users had the longest comment, he believes that China's migrants, and even the possibility of changes in U.S. politics. He said: "China is the best gift to give immigrants the United States. Even if they only put 1% of the population transfer over, will form a very scary team to vote. Since then the formulation of U.S. policy and even the presidential election, would be subject to constraints of the Chinese community. We must pay attention to this issue. "(Reporter Wang Xin)


Chinese Olympic officials, the dominance of the Australian assessment "into Asia" against the Olympic spirit

Guangzhou Asian Games, Asian Games, Asian Games is the next unmatched features will remain in Asia, will not cancel the non-Olympic projects will not absorb the Oceania countries to participate in the Asian Games in Guangzhou Asian Games is the biggest advantage of sports, technology, operations and culture perfect fusion

2010 Guangzhou Asian Games will be closed today, this is the first time in 20 years after the second time hosting the Games, which 20 years is not just a period of rapid development of Chinese sports, but also the era of the rapid rise of China. However, the Chinese army too powerful to be reduced to a delegation of the Asian Games performance, with controversial issues into the VIP room, an exclusive interview with this reporter recently Director General of Olympic Council of Asia Hussein Musallam, The OCA senior leaders face the problem and told the newspaper, the Asian Games will have their characteristics will not change.

Concerns evaporated prior

The first time in 20 years, China once again hosting the Asian Games, Guangzhou Asian Games are the expected results achieved, and the Asian Games, "China model" what is the point?

China Daily: Would you please evaluate this session of the Guangzhou Asian Games?

Hussein: Prior to the Doha Asian Games and the success of the Beijing Olympic Games in Guangzhou people are more of a worry, but it turned out, the Guangzhou Asian Games are unmatched, and certainly more than one person I think, from the opening to the game itself, to organize the operation, and the venues are very good and excellent.

China Daily: China has held the two Asian Games, Asian Games history, they have a kind of meaning?

Hussein: Beijing Asian Games and Asian Games are very important, they are in the high status of the previous Asian Games, to make an indelible contribution to the Asian Games, Asian Games held in those two very land for the improvement of China's competitive sports.

China Daily: The success of the Guangzhou Asian Games held in state for what kind of meaning?

Hussein: I participated in the recent preparations for the sixth Asian Games, Asian Games host city from a whole to be developed, including sports facilities, urban culture, IT system development, livelihood and other aspects. Specific to Guangzhou, the most significant effect is due to host the Asian Games in Guangzhou will be the emergence of many new public facilities and buildings, and seven years ago when just ready to bid big difference.

China should learn from successful models

The Asian Games, the Chinese Army to perform "one-man show," triggered a strong dominance of controversy whether the Asian Games because of China's too powerful and become boring it?

China Daily: The Olympic Games are "thin", and the Guangzhou Asian Games, Asian Games in the history of the project settings is one of the largest, which is why? Asian Games will be how thin?

Hussein: The Olympic Games is the game for the whole world, but Asia is the world's largest continent, not only on the geographical span, and national and regional cultural differences are very obvious, with very strong local characteristics, such as India and Pakistan cricket, sepak takraw and kabaddi in Southeast Asia, as well as Chinese martial arts. Asian Games is because of these distinctive events become very attractive. Next Incheon Asian Games, we will reduce some of the projects, but we certainly have to protect the physical and cultural characteristics unique to the region.

China Daily: Chinese delegation once again demonstrates the strength in the Asian Games, gold medals and a dominance of other countries will limit the development of sports?

Hussein: The worry is unnecessary, China has greatly improved sports performance, and the country's powerful political and economic are inseparable. China should learn from successful models of sports, other sports is relatively backward countries and regions to have learned so much from China, and this study will undoubtedly help them improve.

China Daily: Some say the Games should be held in two, one for the Olympics, a non-Olympic projects, how do you think of this proposal?

Hussein: There is no need to do two Asian Games, Asian Games, if divided into two, one of them to no difference between the Olympics, the Games lost their own characteristics. Asian Games because of these characteristics of the project has become the Asian Games.

Australia "into Asia" contrary to the Declaration

The competitiveness of the Asian Games and the attention are on the decline, Australia and Oceania, some of the countries want to join the Asian Games, which is a new attempt is absurd move it?

China Daily: Australia has joined the Asian Cup, Asian Games, will consider whether to absorb the country into the Asian Games in Oceania?

Hussein (not won the Olympic Council of Asia in the chest badge, told reporters, pointing): We know that the Olympic rings, representing the five continents, and if Oceania Asian Games, just like the rings of a less ring, this is wrong. Although the addition of Oceania, can increase the level of sports competition and the degree of concern, let the game more exciting, but contrary to the Declaration and the Olympic is not conducive to Asia to maintain its own characteristics, this and our original intention of hosting the Games is inconsistent The.

China Daily: OCA (Olympic Council of Asia) by the Guangzhou Asian Games, the biggest gain for that? Asian Games Asian Games in future, what inspired?

Hussein: The OCA itself, the greatest achievement lies not only in sports and the great increase in various fields - such as technology improvements, operational improvement - but also in cultural activities (Note: If the opening ceremony of the art performance and during the Asian Games held in some cultural activities) have also held fairly level, these gains are invaluable for the OCA. Other countries hosting the Asian Games Organizing Committee has therefore been a great challenge, because they must grow, must do more than the previous committee well before the Asian Games and the Olympic Games we, like the World Cup The contest to compete. We must also do better all the fields in order to favor the growth of Asian development and future success.

Director General of Olympic Council of Asia interview Mr. Hussein has been handed an application to four days, as the slightest movement generally do not go down the drain. Press again to inquire, the relevant staff seemed a bit helpless, "you still go back to other news first." This sentence has been heard many times, but the feeling of disappointment every time strong.

Mr. Hussein may be the busiest period of the Guangzhou Asian Games were: every day shuttle athletes village and the competition venues, monitoring the operations view the entire event. If the President of Olympic Council of Asia is a master of macro-control, then the Director-General Mr. Hussein is to implement into practice all the things the people. Hussein, a former swimmer and national champion got off to Kuwait. Later, he joined the Olympic Movement and in 1984 joined the Olympic Council of Asia, directly involved in the organization of the sixth Asian Games, this time arrived in Guangzhou, he used his extensive experience in office will do for the success of the Games a great contribution.

Hard work pays off, we finally received a call from the staff, get the phone number Hussein secretary. Allocated the first time in the past, I heard the sweet voice of a woman, this is a full English representations, we know that Mr. Hussein is really busy, has not accepted the media interview, but said he would as much as possible to arrange a time to meet us. Finally, the secretary, a colleague introduced her turn to us to be responsible and let us know. E-mail exchange a few letters in English, we finally got an exclusive interview with a valuable opportunity. Ten minutes for this interview is more valuable, because we came in before the Al-Jazeera received only twenty minutes of interview time. In order to allow Mr. Hussein in the interview feel more intimate, we have specially invited Arabic-speaking volunteers will be a translator. "Many of submitting applications interview, but you are really lucky." Then we work from the staff say that the Olympic Council of Asia in the Asian Games tournament, Mr. Hussein to accept the number of media interviews in Asia may flexor number.


Where backward difference three - On tour in China Volleyball Games

3 to 0 (25, 18,25 than 17,25 than the ratio of 18) of the score, is the result of male volleyball team beat India, China is also the Asian Games volleyball tour ends. The winner is the first five, the worst record history of Asian Games competition.

The actual level, the Chinese team's actual location should be the first four, because now the location of the Thailand team, Xiaozusaishi Zeng Yi Chinese team lost 1 to 3, the strength also true under the Chinese team. However, 4 and 5 what is the difference? You know, four years ago, the Doha Asian Games, the Chinese team won the runner-up; two years ago, the Beijing Olympics, scored the first five years of missing the World Series of good results. Although the host of benefits can be said, but now the Guangzhou Asian Games, is also the host is not it?

Two years from the world's No. 5 to No. 5 in Asia, Chinese men's deterioration is beyond doubt. According to the Guangzhou Asian Games, bad record, a media council, said: passion at the Beijing Olympics released, Zhou Jianan striving to create a "Sword Spirit" full collapse is an indisputable fact, Chinese men appear to be back before taking office Zhou Jianan weakness of the state of style, whether it is winning or losing, the players have no passion at all.

This view is indeed reasonable, but in fact, Zhou Jianan had his hiding something. Because this year can be described in terms of troubled times for Chinese men, one with an injury, you report to his sick leave, annual training has never put together before. Some people said that this year Zhou Jianan the "something" really back.

Having said that, but the current Chinese men is a bit like "Liu Fu is not up fools," as some critics say: "If in December 2005, when Zhou Jianan with a" Sword "program in command when the Chinese men , the team's technical capabilities in Asia, there are certain advantages, but also more distinctive style of play, then today's Chinese men even in Asia has been reduced to 'less competent' level. "

Asian Games, in the Chinese men have not yet met with strong opponents before, there are Chinese technical officials privately told reporters: "China played with Iran, Japan, South Korea did not play." Later, the Chinese team to the two 0 3 were lost than Iran, Japan, with South Korea is not hit, run into basically can not win.

Less competent, are the words of Zhou Jianan; hopes in young adults, but also Zhou Jianan, then immediately after 30-year-old veteran Shen Qiong, etc., no longer brave the year.

However, do not know can come on top of young people, the final word in the field, No. 13 Japan-powerful state wide water as a young Xiao Qiang, when to emerge?


Taiwan News Online November 30 in Taipei's Chen Shui-bian elected office

Taiwan News Online November 30 in Taipei's Chen Shui-bian elected office secretary Jiang Zhiming, 29, Chen Shui-bian to visit the Taipei Detention Center. He related that Chen Shui-bian for "five are" the election results, that the DPP defeat, mainly because did not take presidential campaign after the election, the DPP should review the route. In addition, Chen does not think that was shooting straight text of Taipei mayor election.

According to Taiwan, "Central News Agency" report, Jiang Zhiming and political commentator Chin Heng Wei and CHEMICAL INDUSTRY, 29 am to Taipei Detention Center Exploration flat. Jiang Zhiming said in an interview later, Chen Shui-bian do not think that the night before the election was shooting straight text, Taipei mayoral elections affect the election.

Jiang Zhiming relayed that Chen Shui-bian, the DPP won only five 2 seats have been elected, be regarded as failure. Bian in Taipei mayoral election, for example, lost 17 million votes in the Democratic Progressive Party, was shot not because of events straight text relatively high turnout. In the "five are" elections there, Taipei relatively small turnout of 1%, indicating that the DPP had not touched a political party advocating the people and ideas to promote the election momentum.