
British media: China and Russia against the US-Japan alliance and horizontal

 BBC website on November 3rd to comment, entitled "Japan, the Russo-Japanese territorial dispute with the U.S. strategic restructuring in East Asia." Article excerpts are as follows:

Recently, the Japanese government seems to result from territorial disputes with neighboring countries into being "north-south pincer" position, position the United States involved in East Asian neighbors through a series of disputes, and gradually strengthening its strategy to return to the western Pacific. Russia-Japan relations in the low selection angered Tokyo and its intention intriguing.

September collision near Diaoyu repercussions. They probably did not think at this time, Russian President Dmitry Medvedev boarded a long dispute between Japan and Russia, "the four northern islands" (the Russian island of Sakhalin, said the South) one of the "state after the island." Russia's leaders for the first time landing on the island, so that the territorial dispute between Japan and Russia sudden warming.

Immediately clear that the U.S. State Department to support its military ally, Japan. This is the Russo-Japanese dispute after the Cold War is rare.

At the same time, the Chinese government on Tuesday (November 2) rejected the U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton held on to the dispute over the Diaoyu Islands, American and Japanese tripartite dialogue.

In fact, China is the most sensitive bilateral dispute has been dragged into the multilateral mechanisms. Ms. Clinton made the United States in Hanoi in July is also concerned about Beijing and the neighboring countries of the South China Sea territory, territorial waters dispute, I hope through mediation, to ensure a peaceful settlement, to ensure smooth sailing. China has repeatedly fought back.

This time, Beijing also refers to "the United States repeatedly claimed that the US-Japan Security Treaty applies to the Diaoyu Islands, which is very wrong. The United States should immediately correct the error position."

The article said that China does not seem to expect the U.S. will make its good offices to intervene in the tentacles extend from the South China Sea to the East China Sea. But for the United States, may be a natural extension.

On the one hand the United States concerned about China's rise and influence in East and Southeast Asia, while Southeast Asia, some countries also remain vigilant on China's influence, I hope there is a counterbalance to external forces "and in" the great potential threat to neighboring countries .

The problem is, in this game, people did not seem too much attention to the former superpower Russia. The end of September the leaders of China and Russia signed a joint communique in Beijing, emphasized that "concerning national sovereignty, unity and territorial integrity of the core interests of the two countries support each other." And the end of September in China and Japan over the Diaoyu Islands is the most intense period of turmoil.

Now, President Medvedev set foot on this former Soviet soldiers in World War II when the "spoils of war" and claimed that several other future plans to board the island, is hardly a coincidence.

Some Chinese people believe this is the support to China on the Diaoyu Islands issue, and the Japanese are more worried about China and Russia join hands to form a strategic unfavorable situation in Japan.

Previous: U.S. media: China will not accept the Japan-US "two to one"

Next: Taiwanese media: the Chinese mainland tourists are not the people of Taiwan do not apply, "the State Compensation"

Formosa Betrayed

Second-generation immigrants from Taiwan living in America Tiao the film "Formosa Betrayed", the end of February will be released in the United States. Although the discussion of Taiwan's friends warmly, but Taiwan under the KMT government in power, can not be successfully performed is unknown. Reuters interview with screenwriter and actor who is also Tiao did see most of the mainstream media. Public TV is in a very small number of enthusiastic press operation, only to have the opportunity to face the news audiences in Taiwan.

The end of the film has been shot, but also in the February 28, 2009 will be staged in Los Angeles for the first time to investors to see.

I believe that many young people in Taiwan that the "white terror" is a story that persecuted by the KMT is just fantasy.

I just want to say that you are not loved around the Kuomintang government persecution, the KMT did not experience cruel,

Does not mean that all this did not happen.

If you experience the phone is being monitored at home, parents From time to time, please go to the police station to be "concern", the father

The "good card" (do not know is there) a bunch of records simply not true, I believe, you do not

Think that "white terror" is just a story.

"Formosa Betrayed" has not listed the date, the producers to enter the marketing promotion of the current

Stage, will actively participate in the festival. Part of a very feeling heart, the film is formed by the raising of small shareholders and large

Mostly Taiwanese American Association.

Taiwan's military position geographically, China must be "recovered" reasons. Because the same reason, the United States

We wish to maintain the status quo of Taiwan and China, so the United States and China can take Taiwan as the pull of the tool. State

China is not party to this island, the KMT is Taiwan's money to be. Although Taiwan is small, but also count the money.

Now the United States and China, economic interdependence, coupled with North Korea, it is difficult not to exclude "the United States will further

Times betraying Taiwan "possibility. At the same time, in order to speed up the pro-government in Malaysia, the United States,

Taiwan will no more use. United States Government, it is no good in mind, not the interests of their things,

They will not intervene.

SCREAM BLOODY MURDER CNN, the U.S. government for their own benefit, knowing that genocide is taking place,

Did not intervene. (Cambodia - the Khmer Rouge because of the need to help fight the Viet Cong, knowing that the occurrence of genocide, no

Are involved. Iraq - because Iran, the United States Jinyuan Hai Shan, while Saddam Hussein slaughtered use of these resources Kurds, the United States

Knowing the country, but let Ren Haishan behavior. Bath, Virginia - When the European countries to find ways to resolve this incident,

The decision whether George Bush. And Colin Gordon in the election, is repeated again and again that if he took office, will be solutions

Virginia massacre must Bath, but he took office, there are many excuses, until 3 years after the death of countless

People, the United States was to send troops. ) See the CNN - SCREAM BLOODY MURDER.

★ video introduction from the Formosa Betrayed

『" Formosa Betrayed "(Formosa Betrayed) described the first ever Hollywood 70 and 80

Taiwan's struggle for democracy and independence activists during a movie. Plot taken from the murder of Dr. Chen Wencheng, denoted

By the Yangtze River, and in the white terror era of democracy in their lives and countless independent activists. 』

Brief Story

A small town in Taiwan in the investigation the murder of Professor beauty, one has lost confidence in the judicial impartiality of the detective,

Slowly dig up some college campuses in the United States for many years in secret international conspiracy. By the victim's wife

Provide clues as well as a spy for the help of Taiwan, the detectives found him way back toward a non - regular

To hit the U.S. State Department, the Chinese triad gangs, more incredible, it will eventually hit the KMT government

Government at the highest level.


Although there are many Hollywood films have tried to woo the audience to lead the United States to explore Chinese culture and politics, but has not had

Taiwan had a film attempts to explore the special political history. American films such as "Red Corner", The Last

Emperor "," Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon "is known about Chinese culture and society

Film, but does not involve Taiwan and the United States faced political and social issues.

"Formosa Betrayed" is to by a professor of Taiwanese American democracy in pursuit of independence by Taiwan's murder

Human tragedy, the audience make the world understand Taiwan's historical pursuit of freedom and democracy.

And 80 years under the 1970 Taiwanese American professor and Taiwan, and the fact that students had been subjected to, "Formosa Betrayed"

To expose the KMT government in Taiwan to consolidate authoritarian exclusion of cruel means used by the opposition.

In addition to the people of Taiwan and China, most do not understand the historical background of Taiwan's political status. "Formosa Betrayed"

To lead to a worldwide audience will understand the Taiwan-US relations to the human story behind it.

We believe that the "Formosa Betrayed" to the American audience, the audience in Asia, and Europe will have far-reaching audience

Effect as it is familiar through the general public Bo broadcast tools, from the viewpoint of special cultural expression. Again,

Because most people lack of knowledge about Taiwan's political history, such as "Formosa Betrayed" a film will be able to

The audience to understand the characteristics of good people of Taiwan.


"Formosa Betrayed" is a film about Taiwanese American dissidents in the 1980s by the intimidation, persecution, was

Murder scene love film. Rooted in the true story, this film together in focus, a Taiwanese American University of Kansas professor was

Murder. Without an understanding of Taiwan's police detective assigned to investigate this case. Through the investigation of this case,

This gradual geographical detectives out there in Taiwan, the United States, the political, consciousness, and complex power relations.

In his investigation of murder and their accomplices in the process, the detectives found on college campuses in the United States there is a large

Spy network, specifically the people of Taiwan and Taiwanese students to monitor the political and social activities. He turned to the federal investigation

Board, then the FBI has found that the existence of this spy network; but do not want the FBI to take action

Just to protect the U.S. and other regions in Taiwan spy ring.

The detective's investigation, leading him from the Midwest, found in other places all over campus, Chinatown, the most

Later traced to Taiwan. In Taiwan, he found that the Taiwanese American professors have been killed because of his strong advocacy of Taiwan independence

Li, shaken the legitimacy of Chiang Kai-shek regime. The highest authorities ordered the kill.

The detectives found with evidence of visits to American Institute in Taiwan; even been told this involves U.S. foreign policy

Sensitive issues, can not be accepted. Knowing that unrighteousness, and powerless, disappointed, he returned to the United States. Finally, he

Invited to testify before Congress, public schools in this murder and spy the truth. Although not shown in Taiwan, but has caused a heated debate in the users. According to the official line from the introduction Moderator perspective, this film is the integration of the "murder in 1984 of the South", "Chen for 1981 murder" and "Lin Yi-hsiung family of murder in 1980," the case and a fictional trip Taiwanese scholars, the United States killed the story, and FBI officers on a case-handling process of cross-Taiwan to observe the martial law era of brutal dictatorial rule of the Kuomintang government means.

Friends of friends pop some delays in the video released in Taiwan, looks a little anxiety. However, Moderator is not quite think so. Because the current film is only in the "preview" stage, is expected in September and October in the United States and Canada there will be two rounds of screening (Please Tell me what network description).

So I think that co-ordinate the work of Tiao producer, should be attended by a small film festivals and screening opportunities for more international film industry know the film, the chance to get more exposure and publicity expenses. Wait until the momentum up, perhaps 0 to 228 years anniversary of the release schedule would be good.

This FunP tweet link

Synopsis (translated from the film's official website)

The film was inspired by real events. "Formosa Betrayed" story is to describe the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) officers Kelly (James Van De Bike), a Chinese American professor for a brutal murder cases in the United States survey. In the partner Braxton (John Heard), a Chicago police detective, and alert (Lei Sili Hepu decorated) with the assistance of Kelly found The suspect fled to Taiwan already.

Kelly then was sent overseas to assist the Taiwan government The suspect hunt. At first, he accepted a U.S. diplomat (played temperature Dike Lu Xun), and a Taiwanese official (Zhi-decoration) of the guide, but he soon found himself living abroad is not only unwelcome, but also secretly waiting for him more dangerous.

Amin, relying on dissidents in Taiwan (Tiao decoration) help, Kelly found that the island once known as the beautiful island, with the disturbing truth, and this has also brought a series of dangerous and painful consequences. Kelly found themselves in the U.S. State Department, Chinese gangs, as well as senior government officials in Taiwan, Republic of the cracks. He also found that politics, national identity and the complex struggle for power struggle, not only affects the United States and Taiwan, and the fate of three people's lives, also affected his ............

Historical background (translated from the film's official website)

Taiwan has a unique position in history. After an early one by one foreign government, a few world powers have been occupied. Result, Taiwan became a world not yet been recognized by some islanders did not even recognize the independent state. The most important is probably the United States does not recognize Taiwan as a country, but protection of the rights of democracy in Taiwan, Republic of China across the Taiwan Strait from the intrusion.

Many Hollywood movies are used to explore the Chinese for the American audiences the cultural and political. But the "Formosa Betrayed" for the first time from Taiwan's unique political views to do so. It also provides an opportunity for the audience a glimpse of Taiwan on the world stage, the push for self-identification process, the human stories behind. "Formosa Betrayed" focus on film, is a Taiwanese-American professor, just because advocating Taiwan's independence and democracy was brutally murdered, this action changes the people involved in the investigation.

"Formosa Betrayed" is the 1970-1980 era, Taiwanese professors and students across the United States based on the experience, so that the ROC government in Taiwan to achieve reunification of the brutal methods used, for the first time on screen exposure.

Although the "Formosa Betrayed" follows the "Syrian" "Hotel Rwanda" "The Killing Fields" and the context of political thriller, but this time the show is in the past have not been explored, and not many people know the cultural point of view. "Formosa Betrayed" I hope to inspire a global audience to understand the dark past of Taiwan, so Taiwan unredressed injustice suffered by dissidents to be redressed; also hope to inspire everyone concerned about the present political turmoil in Taiwan.

Web Resources

First, two circulating on the YouTube movie trailers. Content are not the same Oh!

Trailer # 1

Trailer # 2

Next is a shot behind the scenes, as well as staff interviews. Accordance with the order of appearance are:

Tiao (Will Tia)

Writer / Producer / Actor

Ken Adam (Adam Kane)


Temperature Dike Lu Xun (Wendy Crewson)


Anthony Shi Talei (Anthony Stabley)

Production Designer

Movie official website (English)

Wikipedia description (English)

Ke Qiaozhi original "Formosa Betrayed" Introduction (Chinese)

Related blog posts and news stories

With the film tells the history of blood and tears of the people of Taiwan -

Formosa Betrayed Thoughts after Visiting the film premiere

(Xuan Fang Zhai Nocturne --- Canmeng 2009.3.11)

Description of the White Terror in Taiwan / Formosa Betrayed screening in the United States

(Liberty Times 2009.3.8)


James Van De Bike James Van Der Beek

Wendy Crewson



Johm Heard

Leslie Hope

Reference Reading

Liu Yiliang and South Homicide (1984.10.15)

Chen Wen murder (1981.7.3)

Lin Family Murder (1980.2.28)

British media: Prince Andrew high officials of the Department of Defense stamp "fat ass"

  British Prince Andrew visits Dorset in a military vehicle factory, a rare criticism of the Department of Defense officials.

The "General Project" production of "Rangers" armored personnel carriers, known to be similar to the British in Afghanistan against roadside bombs often encountered, and tested. But the Defense Department insisted on an independent burst test.

British Defense Ministry spokesman said that this model and models similar to the active duty does not meet their new requirements.

Prince Andrew, listening to the complaints of the manufacturers after the Defense Department expressed dissatisfaction with the attitude, said the new test "can only increase costs." He added: "I have to say to you, unfortunately, they do not move about their fat ass."

"Private conversation"

Prince Andrew not to mention by name the war in Afghanistan. In the "Dorset Echo newspaper," the report, he said: "They thought they could withdraw by 2015, but there are problems," he said Defense Department in this regard "there is no hope."

Although the British Ministry of Defense did not want to order now, this armored Pingjiapogao Prince Andrew, that it will have broad international market, is a good export product.

Prince Andrew personally participated in the Falklands War. Visit this plant is as British trade ambassador Prince Andrew as part of duties, but should not comment on the British royal family traditionally political.

Buckingham Palace has indicated that his comments about a "private conversation."

The world's leading automotive companies and brands (Century of car) is not only driving the car around

 Friends have said two days ago to see Skoda History Forum, said the Skoda is the world's remaining four years one of the factories to build cars, so for the other three are also interested in the end is who? I found the answer, and the party of sharing (not only drive your car around the brothers)

The world's leading automotive companies and brands (cars Hundred Years)

1886 Karl Benz produced the world's first cars three cars, Gottlieb Daimler made of four-stroke gasoline engine driven four-wheeled vehicles.

1888 Mercedes-Benz produced the world's first car for sale car.

1889 Peugeot Motor Company was established.

1890 Land Rover (Rover) to begin production cars.

1891 Le French Panhard and cutting cable first front engine car, the successful development of automotive-specific frame.

In 1893, the world's first license plate and driver's license issued in France. Duryea car designed the first American gasoline car.

1894 Dai Dian was the first automobile road race champion, with an average speed of 12 miles. P ・ Diesel demonstrated the first practical engine.

In 1895, the world's first official road car race held in Paris - Bordeaux held between. Duryea was the first American car champion, with an average speed of 5.05 miles. The first U.S. auto company Duryea Motor Company was established. Peugeot Michelin brothers to use pneumatic tires. French Automobile Club was established. Bass electric cars come out.

1896 Henry Ford produced the first car. To celebrate the UK legal speed limit will increase to 19 vehicles km / h, held the first London - Brighton car race.

Olds Motor Company was established in 1897 and the first car produced in Oz car.

In 1898 the first U.S. auto show held in Boston. Columbia United States, the first to use electric lighting car for headlights and taillights. Count to create a special investigation 斯洛普劳博 63 km / h speed record. Metzger opened its first car store.

1899 Fiat and Renault car company. The first car Opel car factory. New York City established the first U.S. auto repair shop. 卡米尔金纳特 created an electric car driving 106 km / h speed record.

1900, United States, "Saturday Evening Post" sign out world's first automotive advertising. New York, the first U.S. municipality issued a driver's license, saying "engineer certificate."

Oz Motor Company in 1901 installed the first speed table to the car. Puckett appears on the United States the first car manual ignition advance device. Daimler with "Mercedes" car for their own name. A steam car conquered 罗克莫比克 Colorado Pikes Peak 4312 meters above sea level.

1902 Cadillac Motor Company founded.

Ford Motor Company was established in 1903. Buick Motor Company was established. A Winton car with 65 days across the United States. More deaths in the event of accident, Paris - Badri Rally closed. Napier made of 6-cylinder engine. Europe appears V-8 cylinder engine.

1904 Rolls-Royce car company. U.S. auto production over France. Geboenbo in the car speeds up to 167 km / hour.

1905 Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) was established. Home Chinese Forum 69

1906 car "race" first appeared in France. Roadside gas station there. Lancia automobile company.

Japan in 1907 produced the first car. Pontiac predecessor company - Auckland company.

Ford introduced the Model T in 1908. Durant formed General Motors.

1909 Bugatti automobile company. Arrow Kingston launched four brakes.

1910 Bugatti introduced the first car overhead camshaft engine. Alpha Motor Company was established. Daimler Ferdinand Porsche designed the success of Prince Henry the experimental car.

Mundie, launched in 1911 Carlo Rally. Chevrolet Motor Company was established.

1912 Cadillac car with electric start engine.

Hudson first developed in 1913 a modern four-door sedan. Ford installed a car factory assembly line.

1914 Dodge Brothers began producing all-steel body of the Dodge brand vehicles. Maserati car company. British double-decker bus appears. Cleveland, Ohio, the first to use traffic lights. Stephen Peck U.S. company first installed on the fuel gauge in the car.

1915 Ford Model T production accounts for 70% of U.S. output, prices fell to $ 265 from $ 850. Packard introduced the car using the V12 engine. Citroen company.

1916 invention of windshield wipers.

Lincoln Motor Company was established in 1917. Mitsubishi car factory.

1918 Chevrolet became a division of General Motors.

Bentley Motors was established in 1919. Paul Luo Jiali car wind tunnel test flow line performance.

1920, the predecessor of Japan Mazda Motor Corporation was established. Dusen Borg A Model for the first time with hydraulic brakes.

GM's first use of the roof lights.

Thomas meters jie in 1921 to study with his colleagues discovered tetraethyl lead in gasoline antiknock effect. Ballot 2LS car with double overhead camshaft (DOHC). Ford Model T accounted for all U.S. auto production was 55.4%. The East, the world's first highway.

Claire United States invented the reverse lamp.

1923, Ford and create an annual output of new cars over 2 million records. United States appears optional car radio. Mercedes-Benz car for the Grand Prix to produce the first mid-engine car. Durant re General Motors. On sale of leaded petrol.

Maxwell 1924, the company changed its name to Chrysler. U.S. average of 7 people with a car. Robert Bosch GmbH of Germany invented the electric wipers.

In 1925 the company began production of Skoda cars.

1926 a Pontiac car on display at the New York auto show. Volvo Car Corporation was established. Merger with Daimler-Benz company.

1927 Ford Model T in the production of 15 million after production. Air filter, fuel filter, crankcase ventilation device and the mirror began to appear. 亨利赛格瑞's "Sunshine" car speed 328 km / hour.

1928 Ford Model A Model T replaced.

World vehicle production in 1929 reached 5.33 million. Henry Ford Museum open to the public. Cadillac used the gear transmission with a synchronizer. Ferrari automobile company.

1930 Bugatti created the "Royal" No cars. Cadillac V6 engines used for the first time.

1931 Rolls-Royce took over Bentley Motors. Porsche Design company.

Alpha Motors in 1932 introduced the first single seat Grand Prix a car.

In 1933 the world's first movie theater opened in the United States. Toyota set up automatic weaving machine factory vehicle department.

1934 Nissan company. Chrysler pioneered the streamlined body cars. Introduction of front-wheel drive Citroen cars.

1935 Fiat 500 compact car introduced.

1936 Mercedes-Benz introduced the first diesel car. Dr. Porsche designed the Beetle prototype available. Mitsubishi sold the first batch of diesel vehicles. The first car come out of Morgan cars.

Toyota Motor Corporation was established in 1937. Isuzu Motors was established. Volkswagen was established. Easton's "Charlie" car speeds over 500 km / hour.

1938 Buick cars fitted with the United States turned to flash.

1939 Packard introduced air-conditioned car.

In 1940 the United States to install the car seat belts. U.S. forces started the jeep. Goettingen car started to drag, lift and side wind.

Oz the first to introduce automatic transmission. A streamlined BMW won the Italian race victory of 1000 miles road cars, which have a major impact vehicle design after the war.

1941 Volkswagen produced the first amphibious vehicle.

1944 Kia car company.

In 1945, British forces under the control of public companies to resume production. U.S. carmakers to develop new models.

Honda Motor Company was established in 1946.

1947 Nissan Datsun brand car production. 5.85 million global vehicle production year. The first race a Ferrari sports car.

1948 Land Rover come out. Jaguar XK120 sports car caused a sensation at London Motor Show. Porsche 365 sports car models come out. Lincoln and Cadillac vehicles to install power windows.

1949 Chrysler disc brake use. Ford V8 sedan launched. Citroen 2CV production.

1950 Land Rover launched the world's first turbo-charged engine. Then the global auto production exceeded 10 million. Reached 10.57 million. Formula One Grand Prix.

To promote the 1951 Ford vehicle crash tests. Chrysler introduced power steering wheel. Crash helmet use in international competitions.

1952 Suzuki started manufacturing motorcycles.

Corvette sports car introduced in 1953, Fuji Heavy Industries company. Michelin invented the radial tire.

Mercedes-Benz 300SL sports car by 1954, electronic fuel injection engine. Wankel rotary engine design.

1955, Ford introduced the Thunderbird brand two-seater car. Ford produced 10,877 cars a day to create the record. Lotus car company. Crown Motors Toyota introduced. Global vehicle production this year reached 13.63 million. Le Mans in France, there was a most tragic accident, 84 people were killed.

1956, China's first car designed and manufactured by a "liberation" trucks come out.

All 1957 Volvo of Sweden are installed seat belts. In the two drivers and two spectators were killed, the Italian government to stop the 1,000 miles road race.

1958, China's "wind" cars come out, this is the first car.

1959 "Mini" (Mini) car production. Honda motorcycle factory was built in the United States. The global vehicle population over 100 million, when production reached 13.92 million.

1960 Ferrari sports car with front engine won the competition in the car. Lamborghini car company.

Global vehicle production in 1963, more than 20 million.

1964 Porsche 911 sports car come out. Donald Campbell of "Bluebird" car created a 648 km / h speed record.

1965, two amphibious cars across the English Channel.

Korean Asian car company.

Craig Borui Dela Fu driving "American Spirit" was created jet car 967 km / h speed record. United States enacted "Motor Vehicle Safety Act."

1966 Charles Parry 2F first time racing spoiler.

1967, Hyundai Motor Company was established.

Toyota vehicle production in 1968 exceeded one million. Ford has introduced anti-lock brakes (ABS).

Of the United States 200 million 5 million cars the factory.

Toyota's total exports in 1969 one million vehicles. Annual global output of 29.8 million vehicles. Audi set up.

Year's global vehicle production in 1971 exceeded 30 million, reaching 33.43 million. Cost of $ 5,000,000 of the lunar rover vehicle on the moon. No pattern of racing tires come out.

1972, Daewoo Motor Company was established.

1973 Chrysler fitted with electronic ignition. General Motors first used airbags. Soaring oil prices, small cars more popular. Global vehicle production this year is 39.92 million.

Finally, in 1974, a German "Beetle" off the assembly line in Germany itself. Golf brand car production.

1975 Porsche turbocharged car, becoming the fastest road car speed.

1976 Mercedes-Benz built in air velocity of 270 km / h the wind tunnel, to the world.

1977, China's second auto plant put into operation. Renault F1 car on the use of turbochargers. First International Conference of electric vehicles was held in Chicago. Annual output of 40.95 million.

In the UK in 1978, a solar car to reach 13 km per hour. Introduction of dual-rotor Mazda engine two-seater sports car RX-7. Japan developed the hybrid vehicles.

Successful development of ethanol in Brazil in 1979, cars, and become alcohol car power.

Japanese auto output in 1980 reached 11.4 million, for the first time surpassed the United States as the world's largest car producer.

1981, Ford fitted its cars on both sides of the wing, converted the three "flying car." Japan developed the place turned to cars. Lotus unique dual chassis car was suspended. De Luolin car is the first one, and only a stainless steel body of the car.

1982 Audi 100 cars drag coefficient of 0.30, the lowest at that time. "Beetle" production more than the Ford Model T.

Richard Noble's jet in 1983, "push 2" car hit 1,019 km / h speed record.

4-cylinder BMW F1 car to reach the maximum power of 1000 hp. Turbocharger popular.

In 1984 the former Soviet Union developed dual-fuel vehicles.

In 1985 the first solar car race held in Switzerland. GM set up Saturn Division.

Sino-German joint venture in Shanghai in 1985, the mass production of cars.

Created in 1986 Ruikemeike 376 km / h average speed circular track record. BMW Z1 type of car show, car plastic body, lifting the door.

1987 Isuzu ceramics on display at the Tokyo show diesel engine. South Korean auto output reached 976,000.

1988 Toyota U.S. factory production. Ferrari F40 launch.

Development of electricity in 1989, Volkswagen diesel hybrid vehicles.

The world's total annual output in 1990 more than 50 million vehicles.

GM developed for 88 kilometers on one charge / 190 km when the speeds of electric cars.

1992 Ferrari F1 car 500 times to participate.

Maikelalun 1993 F1 car launch carbon fiber body.

The Chinese government announced in 1994, "Automotive Industry Industrial Policy" to determine the auto industry as its pillar industries.

Senna in F1 race in Italy, died minutes.

In 1997 Andy Green driving "thrust SSC" No jet car, hit Seattle of 1221 km / h maximum speed world record on land.

Volkswagen and BMW in 1998, respectively, Bentley and Rolls-Royce acquired the company.

Sino-US joint venture in Shanghai in 1999, production of Buick cars. Benz and Chrysler joined together to form Daimler - Chrysler Group.

2000, General Motors, Fiat formed a strategic alliance. Renault acquired Samsung. 3-liter Lupo cars first hundred kilometers 2. 4 liters

In addition to Mercedes-Benz, the 1889 French Peugeot company. 1890 Land Rover (Rover) to begin production cars. 1899 Fiat and Renault car company. Ford Motor Company was established in 1903. 1904 Rolls-Royce car company.

The rest are folded up

Read to know how backward China